It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


A/N: 2 updates in one day? You lucky lucky people...

I looked up from the computer screen and sighed with content. Things were definitely looking up.

“Holly!” Grandma called from the kitchen.

I groaned and looked away from the ‘your message has been sent’ screen.

“What’s wrong grandma?” I asked and walked from the living room to where she and my mom were sitting in the kitchen.

“I just wanted to prevent you from wasting your life on that piece of junk.”

“Grandma,” I whined, “I was sending a very important e-mail. How is that wasting my life?”

“You silly girl, I can’t believe you sent it!” She moaned and I sat down opposite her with a sigh.

“Mom, leave her alone, she wants to do this.”

“Isabella, I’m just trying to protect her from the heartbreak you had. That boy is nothing but trouble.”

“Grandma, I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

“You’re 16 years old and committing yourself to a man you barely know.” She pointed out.

“Why do you think I want to do this? I want to get to know him personally.”

“Why can’t you just keep sending those e-thingies?” She asked with a smug look on her face.

“You don’t want me to waste my life on that piece of junk.” I pointed out.

“He walked away from you, Holly, and I can’t understand why you want to spend time with him!”

“Mom, please give it a rest. He’s her father, I think she has the right to decide if she want to speak to him or not.” Mom said.

“You don’t even know if he can be trusted.”

“He’s my father, grandma, I want to trust him. I want to find out what makes him tick.” I said and stood up.

“Oh and mom?”

“Yes honey.”

“I sent back a ‘yes’. He’ll be here for me tomorrow at 10am.” I told her and walked out of the room.

*Time lapse*

“Where’s the bus then?” I asked curiously and poked my head out of the front door.

“Down there.” Gerard replied and poked his thumb down the street.

I nodded and turned to hug my mom and grandma goodbye.

“I’ll miss you mom.” I said and dragged my suitcase out of the door. “See you in September.”

“Gerard, look after her.” Mom said and hugged him.

He turned to me and grinned.


“I was born ready.” I replied and dragged my suitcase down the garden path and up the street, waving to my mom as I did so.

We stopped in front of a large bus and Gerard banged his fist on the door.

It hissed open and Gerard dragged my suitcase up the steps. I followed nervously and smiled weakly at the driver.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

“Welcome to our pig-sty.” Gerard said and waved his hand around the deserted living area.

“It’s cleaner than my bedroom.”

Gerard laughed.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to the guys.” He said and started to lead me to the back of the bus.

The whole place was empty until we got to the very back where there was a small room.

“Hey guys.” Gerard called and poked his head through the door. “We have a visitor.”

He moved to the side and I saw five pairs of eyes move from Gerard and onto me.

I heard a loud squeal and my vision was blurred with a mass of black hair as I was pulled into a tight hug.

“Frank, give her some air.” Gerard laughed and Frank let me go with a grin.

“It’s glad to finally meet you. Gerard wouldn’t stop going on about you!” Frank explained and Gerard slapped his arm.

“Well you didn’t!” He added.

“Ignore them, Holly, welcome to our bus.” Mikey said and stood up to hug me.

After a round of hugs I stood there shell shocked.

I was in the position most teenage girls would kill for.

I was on tour with My Chemical Romance.