It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Coffee and Skittles

Ow, Frank, that was un-called for!” I yelled as the purple skittle bounced painfully off my right cheek.

“You’ve been hogging the laptop for ages. I had to get your attention somehow.” He moaned.

“Can’t you go bug Ray instead?”

“No, he’s hanging out in the back with Brian…again. Last time I disturbed him I couldn’t sit down for hours.” Frank replied with a painful look on his face. “So come on, give me it back before I lose all responsibility for my actions.”

“Forgive me for missing my boyfriend.” I grinned and threw the skittle back at him.

He flinched and laughed as it barely hit his arm.

“Frankie, leave her alone!” Gerard mumbled as he sat beside me on the sofa with a cup of coffee.

I poked my tongue out at Frank and passed him the laptop.

He screeched. I stood up with a grin.

“What the hell have you done to my background?”

“I thought you liked dogs.”

“I do, it’s the person with the dog I’m scared of.”

“Aw, come on Frank, Max isn’t that bad!” I called from the kitchen area.

“I was talking about you! What was wrong with my old background?”

“A memorial of Pansy? Frank, we’ve all been saying for ages that you need to move on.” Bob’s voice laughed from the bunk area.

“Shut it Bob, you made it for me!”

“Don’t you like my dog then?” I asked through laughter as Bob flipped Frank the finger and wandered towards the studio at the back of the bus. Mikey slapped Bob's head as he made his way towards me.

“Let me see that Frank.” Gerard said. “That is so sweet!”

“Thanks, my mom took that the week before I left for Canada.” I explained and sat beside Gerard on the sofa again.

“You look so happy.”

“I am with the two people I love most in the world.” I pointed out. “Max and Sammy are a major part of my life Frank.”

I took a large mouthful of coffee and sighed happily.

“Yes, Gee, she is definitely your daughter!” Frank laughed at my love coffee.

“What about her love of skittles, don’t tell me that was your come too Frank?” Mikey butted in from the kitchen.

I choked on my coffee.

“That’s disgusting.” I coughed and Frank was looking at Mikey in horror.

“Mikey, that would make me 9 years old when I got her mom pregnant at 14. Sorry, I’ll give the credit to Gee this time.” Frank replied and looked back at the laptop.

Mikey shrugged and disappeared back into the kitchen.

“Ignore Mikey.”

“I think I’m used to it by now, 2 weeks of living with him 24/7 will do that to anyone.” I replied and smiled back at Gerard.

Oh yeah, the next 6 weeks were going to be very interesting indeed.

A/N: Sorry, just a filler to pass the time...