It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Pulling at my heart strings

“Who is this mysterious girl? Is she his secret lover or just a groupie?” The lady’s voice sang from the TV.

“What do you think Bill?” She asked and turned to her colleague.

“I think you might be on to something. Who else could she be?” Bill replied back with the fakest smile ever.

Anger flashed through my body and I threw the cushion at the TV and pressed the mute button violently as I seized the phone.



‘Holly? Missing me already?’

‘No, have you seen the news?’

‘No, I’ve just got back from sound check. What’s going on?’

‘A picture of us, together, has been leaked and they think I’m your lover.’ I explained quietly, looking over at Max’s sleeping form on the sofa.

‘Shit.’ Gerard mumbled. ‘Look, don’t worry, I’ll…um…I’ll speak to Brian and see what we can do. I'll call you back tomorrow. Is that okay?’

‘Of course, I’m just worried that’s all.’

‘Sweet heart, you don’t need to worry. It’s just lack of information. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight.’

I mumbled goodnight back and looked over at Max.

I smiled and moved over to sit next to him.

He looked so peaceful, it was like when he slept every problem disappeared into thin air.

I sighed happily and pushed his fringe away from his eyes. He smiled in his sleep and pulled his arms closer to his chest.

I couldn’t believe the press thought I was actually dating Gerard Way. Fair enough, they didn’t know I was his daughter but did they really think we would stoop so low and date a 16 year old girl?

If they could see me with Max, they would know how wrong they were.

I pulled the blanket around Max’s shoulders and stroked his cheek softly.

“Sweet dreams Max.” I whispered and stood up to switch off the TV.

I took one last look at Max’s sleeping form through the darkness before going up to my room.

I was so lucky to have him and the two months I spent away from him just made me realise how much I loved him and how much he pulled at my heart strings.