It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


“Holly, what’s wrong?”

Nothing, I’m fine.” I lied and turned over to face the wall.

“Holly, I’m not stupid, I share a bus with Frank and Mikey.” He told me and placed his hand on my back.

“What’s wrong?” He asked again and I felt him sit down on my bunk.

“It’s just...these girls at school giving me a rough time for those pictures that got leaked.” I answered half truthfully.

“Is that why you’ve spent the last 9 hours avoiding me?”

“Yeah,” I answered and turned over to face him. He smiled at me sadly and gripped my hand.

“They gave you that didn’t they?” He asked and gently brushed his finger over the bruise on my chin.

I nodded and felt the tears form in my eyes.

He scooped me into his arms and rocked me as I cried.

“Hey, it’s okay, they can’t hurt you here.” He told me softly.

“You don’t understand. They’re doing this because they think I’m messing with your heart!” I mumbled into his chest through tears.

“They think we’re dating and they think they’re protecting you by hurting me.

“Holly, you’re not messing with my heart.”

“I know that, but they keep doing this and say they’ll keep doing it until I admit something’s going on.” I confessed.

"How long have they been hitting you?"

"Not that long, a few weeks..."

"Weeks? Holly, why didn't you tell me before?" He asked gently. I shrugged my shoulders and buried my face deeper into his chest.

"I was scared." I mumbled.

I felt him grip onto me tighter and he kissed my head.

“Baby, it’ll blow over. I’ve got a press conference tomorrow and I’m telling the world you’re my daughter.” He explained. “The bullies will see you’re not messing with my heart and they will leave you alone.”

I looked up at him awkwardly and managed a smile.

“The only thing you’ve done is make me realise how much I love you, Holly.”

“I love you too dad.” I replied and my heart leapt as I realised what I had just said. He smiled at me and pulled me back into his arms.

It sounded so right to call him my dad, even though I had only known him for four months.

He was no longer Gerard Way.

He was my father.

A/N: Updating again later...sorry it's so short...