It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


I looked up from the laptop with a grin; it was all in the open now.

Gerard had done his press conference and had answered most of the tedious questions about who I was and stuff. Now the interview was in magazines and on the internet.

“Someone’s happy.” Ray said and I looked over at him. I watched for a moment as Bob screeched in joy beside Mikey on the PlayStation before answering.

Hell yeah, my dad doesn’t have to keep me a secret anymore. Besides, it is one of my favourite days of the year.”

“Oh really, was that decision made before or after you became obsessed with our band?” Mikey asked with a cheeky grin as he threw the controller down in defeat and poked his tongue out at Bob.

Before, actually, I used to love getting dressed up and going out with my mom.” I answered and placed the laptop on the sofa beside me.

“What did you get Frank for his birthday then?” Bob asked and he stood up to stretch.

“You know I won’t tell you and you won’t find out until he gets back from wherever he’s run off to.” I told him simply.

“I think he’ll be too hyper to open it, he always gets like that on his birthday, especially if Gerard takes him out for coffee before the show.” Mikey said and flicked a piece of cotton off his arm.

“He’s just a big kid, it’s not everyday you turn 26 you know.” I answered back with a grin.

Holly!” Frank squealed as he bounded back onto the bus.

He hugged me and bounded towards the back of the bus.

“You just had to let him get what he wanted didn’t you?” Mikey asked Gerard as he sat beside me.

“He gave me those puppy eyes and played the ‘It’s my birthday’ trick on me. I couldn’t say no.” Gerard defended.

I laughed as Frank bounded back in and flopped onto the floor at my feet.

“Alright, I give in,” I replied to his puppy eyes and threw him his present.

Mikey, Gerard, Bob and Ray groaned as the last of the paper was ripped off and Frank squealed in joy.

“How did you know?”

“Frank, when it comes to your birthday present, a super size packet of skittles was the only thing I could buy.” I answered as he pulled me into a hug and gripped his skittles tightly.

“Holly, I love you but you’re an idiot!” Gerard groaned as Frank yanked the packet open and stuffed a handful of sweets into his mouth.

“Dad, look at him, you said it yourself; puppy eyes.” I pointed out and watched as Frank closed his eyes happily and chewed the sweets.

I couldn’t wait to see what would happen on stage tonight.