It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Good day

I groaned as the morning sunshine pierced through my eyelids and woke me up forcefully.

Well, it was combined with the fact that Gerard Way’s melodious voice was echoing off my walls loudly. No, Gerard Way wasn’t actually in my room, ha I wish, the alarm on my cell was screaming ‘Mama’ at the top of its lungs.

I turned onto my right side, from my back, and forced my eyes open. I looked at my cell groggily, as it sang and buzzed at me cheerfully, and I debated whether or not to throw it at the wall.

Mama was well and truly stuck in my head at that point, so I decided against it, that and the fact that I couldn’t afford to break my cell. Instead, I flipped it open and pressed a random button to shut it up.

The silence almost made me want to just fall back onto my pillow and sleep the day away, but I really couldn’t, so I stumbled from my bedroom, to the bathroom, humming Mama all the way.

*Time elapse*

I jumped the bottom 3 steps, like usual, and landed with a thud at the bottom. My body straightened up, in front of our full size skeleton, Arnold, and I grinned.

“’Morning Arnold.” I mumbled and turned away from the inanimate object, and my momentary loss of sanity, to be greeted by my dog, Sammy. I brushed my hand over the dark ear of the Border collie and he followed me into the kitchen.

My morning rituals continued when I yanked open the fridge door and stared at its contents for a while, just scanning my eyes over the usual milk, juice and salad things in there. Mom hadn’t been to the store yet, so the fridge was looking a bit bare.

I groaned slightly and slammed the door, calling a quick goodbye to Sammy and walked down the hallway to shove on my converse. Just like I usually did.

It took a few minutes to shove my shoes on, grab my bag and put my earphones in, but I left the house just as ‘Our Lady Of Sorrows’ started and I smiled to myself.

I shut the front door, with a satisfying click, and made my way towards Max’s house.

‘Oh yeah, today is going to be good.’ I mused to myself.

Click here to see Arnold...