It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


A/N: I'll apologise in advance for skipping ahead in time like I usually do. I just don't want to waste time with tour stuff when you could be reading action...

Sorry about this chapter, I wanted to put all of these things in seperate chapters, but they weren't long enough so I just shoved them all into one. When I re-read it, it sounded a bit rushed so I'd appreciate your feed-back on this one :)

I looked up from the sofa at the small Christmas tree. It was simple, but effective.

A pink fluffy fairy sat on the top of it and multi-coloured tinsel surrounded it.

I smiled slightly as I remembered that Frank had decorated it so to capture his personality. The fairy represented the fact that he was a pansy and the tinsel was in skittle colours.

I sighed and looked back at the pile of presents I had just wrapped up and glanced at the clock.

Just another 30 minutes until the band came back from the dressing room after their show. 30 minutes until we were going back on the road and I was returning home.

*Time Lapse*

“Thanks dad.” I yelled and tried to act happy as I pulled my present out of its box.

I tried to act happy, but deep down I really wasn’t.

The girls had continued their bullying and at first I had told Gerard what was going on. He went off on a new mission to stop them and spent as much time as he could giving out the message at gigs that bullying is wrong.

It helped at first to know what my dad was trying to help but then they started to hurt me even more because I had told him.

I sat and watched as the band ripped open their presents from me and squealed in delight.

I had found Mikey a strap for his bass with unicorns on it.

Ray had the latest Guitar Hero game.

Bob had a new set of drumsticks which glowed fluorescent green when he used them.

Frank had a belt decorated with skittles and also a packet to go with them.

I had gotten Gerard something a bit more special; a photo album which had pictures from when I was a baby up until the most recent one taken of us (which was on my first day on the Christmas tour with them).

*Time lapse [again]*

I walked away from their bus with a heavy heart. I felt bad that I hadn’t been very cheerful on our first Christmas together, but I had been reduced to a nervous wreck.

I flopped on my own bed at 3am on Christmas day and cried silently to myself.

I seriously didn’t know how much more I could take.

I wanted to escape my feelings so badly but couldn’t and I fell quickly into an uneasy sleep as I cried.


“You are nothing, your own father hates you.” Sasha yelled into my face as I lay on the ground whimpering in pain.

“You don’t deserve to have his attention you slut, cutting all of the time, what kind of father wants his daughter to be so fucked up in the head?” Dee added and kicked my stomach for good measure.

“It’s not like that,” I managed to say through tears and earnt another kick for my efforts.

They always did that; pumped my mind full of ‘the truth’, beat me until I was lying on the ground sobbing and when I went to defend myself they beat me further.

“Oh we know it really is like that. Gerard Way doesn’t love you, he pities you. He saw you had a story to tell and that he was involved. He doesn’t care, he just wants attention.” Dee added and nodded to her smaller friend, who kicked my ribs twice.

I pulled my hands up to my face and sobbed. Why couldn’t they just leave me alone?

*end of flashback*