It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


A/N: Word of advice before you start reading...

...Don't try to post a new chapter while you're eating a flap-jack and singing along [with your mouth half full] to 'I Never Told You What I Do For a Living'. You just end up typing the song lyrics instead of the story and choking until your flap-jack crumbles all over the keyboard...


“Holly, what’s wrong?”

Nothing, mom, I’m fine.” I lied. She watched me as I forced a piece of turkey into my mouth and chewed.

“I had a call from Gerard, he told me he was worried about you and that you refused to talk to him anymore.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Holly, you can tell me if you’re ashamed to tell him.” Mom replied gently. Sarah snorted.

“She just can’t live up to the fact that Gerard doesn’t really love her.”

“Sarah, this is neither the time nor the place. It’s Christmas Day for God’s sake, stop being horrible for just one day.” Sophia snapped at Sarah, who looked moodily at her plate.

I forced the rest of my dinner down and left the room quickly to retrieve my presents.

“You know I’m right.” Sarah said behind me as I piled the presents into my arms and stood up.

“Look, I just don’t give a fuck any more, alright? So what, you’ve always had a mom and a dad, just go off with your preppy friends and bitch behind my back like you always do.” I shouted and left the room in tears.

I was being honest with her; I didn’t give a fuck anymore.

I dumped my presents onto my bedroom floor and noticed the presents the band had given me still lying on my bed.

I popped open the small box Gerard had given me and felt the tears reach my mouth.

I pulled out the necklace and held it in my fingers as I cried.

It was what I had wanted for ages; a silver vampire bat with deep red eyes.

I put it on and sat beside my other presents.

Bob had given me his favourite hoodie; black with a large white vampire bat on the front and ‘Unleash the bats’ written on the back. Gerard had designed it and I always used to wear it on tour.

Mikey had given me a very large mug which had ‘I live for coffee’ written on the side and inside it were a packet of marshmallows and a packet of skittles.

Brian had given me a DVD of the Halloween show.

Frank had given me two things; the whole range of Skeleton Crew t-shirts and a large hug.

Ray had finally given me the secret to his super-soft hair and had donated several bottles of shampoo to me, as well as a brand new scarf.

I cried as I pushed the things aside and wandered to my CD player in tears.

Our Lady of Sorrows could always calm me down no matter how bad I was feeling and I slumped to the floor in tears as it came on.

Stand up fucking tall.

Nope, nothing.

Take my fucking hand.

Still nothing. I sobbed and waited for my favourite lyrics to pass.

Oh how wrong we were to think, that immortality meant never dying.

I changed the CD forcefully and slumped onto my bed.

This wasn’t working and I knew I had to take things into my own hands.

I had to find my own way to forget my dark feelings.

Me again: Sorry if there's mistakes...blame MCR for being so fucking brilliant and distracting me :)