It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


Okay...this isn't the new chapter...

...I just got so many comments basically saying the same thing I decided to answer them all in one go, rather than messaging people back.

[I'm a lazy person]

A) I'm not going to reveal what'll just have to wait until the next update.

B) Loads of people have said stuff along the lines of 'update soon'... lot know I will, but I already gave you two updates today, so maybe [big maybe] I'll post the next chapter if I'm still online later.

C) I skipped some parts I wish I had added in now... Just know what Holly did speak to Gerard and her mum about it all and that they spoke to the school. The bullies got suspended from school but still carried on with their bullying.

I just got carried away with tour stuff and her feelings and now the bathroom scene.

D) Thanks to Horsie890 for stabbing me and thwacking me with an ocean liner... sorry for the effort you put into that one but the storyline sticks :)

E) Sorry if I sounded a bit...*thinks for a second while eating the rest of a jam donut*... full of myself [not sure if that's the phrase I want, I'm being distracted by Stone Sour right now]

I just wanted you all to get the answers and don't hate me for thinking I've given you an update when really you've just had to listen to me ramble.

*Takes a deep breath*

Done rambling...

Oh and one last thing;
stormygirl84: no-one's perfect [even MCR] and this story isn't about making them seem like they are perfect. Parents make mistakes all of the time and sometimes don't want to believe these things are happening to their kids [my mum said that to me once].

Just remember it's a story and not real-life :)