It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


Frank’s P.O.V

“Hey Gerard, anything interesting on there?” I asked as I flopped down on the sofa beside him.

“Just a few new messages, probably from fans, I’m waiting for the page to load.” He replied and looked away from me to the computer screen.

Ooh, a message from Holly.” He mumbled and I heard him click. His face dropped.

“Gee, what’s wrong?” I asked worriedly and scooted closer to him to see what it said.

‘Guys, I’m sorry, but I’m really not okay. I need to do this and if you want answers you can find them on my bed at home.’

“Come on Frank, we’ve got to see if she’s okay.” Gerard stated and dumped the laptop onto the cushion beside me and dragged me off the sofa and out of his house.

Fuck.” He mumbled from the passenger seat of my car.

“Still no answer?”

“Nothing from her mobile or the house phone.” He answered gloomily.

“Gee, she’s probably asleep, if she takes after you she will be.” I replied and turned the car into Crescent drive.

Gerard flung himself out of the car as soon as I had stopped it outside Holly’s house and sprinted up the pathway.

I followed quickly and watched as the door was unlocked and Gerard rushed inside.

“Holly?” He called into the silence.

The silence of the house gave me an uneasy feeling and I just wanted to leave but we had to see if Holly was okay.

“Gee, it’s Boxing Day, she might be at Max’s house.” I suggested. He turned to me and sighed.

“I don’t want to take that chance. She might be ill.” He replied and wandered towards the stairs.


“The message said to look on her bed, that’s what I’m going to do.” He said and walked up the stairs cautiously.

I followed and strained my ears for any sign that Holly was in the house.

We entered her room and found six envelopes on her bed, all addressed to different people. Gerard’s face went a deathly white colour as he seized the one addressed to him and walked out of the room calling Holly’s name again.

I grabbed my letter and walked after him as I ripped it open.

Gerard stopped and I walked straight into him, my attention on the piece of paper I had pulled out of the envelope.

“Do you recon she’s in the bathroom?”

“Gee, I don’t know.” I replied and unfolded the paper.

Gerard took a step forward and knocked on the closed door as I read the letter.

‘Dear Frankie, Mikes, Bob, Ray and (of course) Brian,

I’m sorry I didn’t write separate notes for you all, life’s getting desperate now and I need my release soon.

Your music inspired me to live my life the way I wanted, but I guess it didn’t for your so called ‘fans’ who bullied me for being Gerard’s daughter.

As I write this, I’m listening to every song you’ve ever made and it’s breaking my heart that it’s not helping me like it has done so many times in the past.

It’s not your fault, my mind’s too fucked to be consoled anymore and this was my only way out.

I’ll just give each of you a small message:

Mikey: Keep rocking out with your bass and coffee. We’ve all got to choose our poisons right? I’ve chosen mine…

Ray: I still can’t figure out how your hair stays so soft. I guess it will remain a mystery to my dying days…

Bob: My body guard, don’t feel bad that you didn’t protect me from the bullies. I would have forced you to keep playing drums anyway...

Brian: I’ve always loved you man, you took my favourite band in and made them big. Thank you forever and tell them to keep rocking…

Frank: My Skittle daddy. I’m sorry I ate the last red skittle on Christmas Eve...

I loved you guys so much and you became my family.

To repeat the words of five people I love;

‘We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith’

I’m not strong enough to hold the sword anymore and my heart will stop and my sword will break.

Don’t let that happen to you.

Hold onto your swords until the end of everything.

Love always,


P.S: Thank you for the coffee. Thank you for the fun. Thank you for the skittles. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the venom.’