It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Second track, third album

Frank’s P.O.V

I gasped in shock as the doctor told us the much-awaited news. Tears welled in my eyes and spilled out carelessly onto the floor along with Gerard's. He gripped me tightly and sobbed into my shoulder.

It felt like the end had come for all of us.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I barely remember Frank dragging me out of the hospital and back home. I just remember feeling so much pain and wanting it all to end.

I felt like such a failure as a father. How could I have let my daughter walk away while she was that miserable? Clearly she needed someone, or she wouldn't have done that.


The doctor's words were screaming through my head at a thousand miles a minute, tearing my insides up and throwing out tears like my life depended on it.

I collapsed into Frank’s arms at home and cried. The note was still clenched in my knuckles and Frank had just given Mikey, Ray and Bob their note.

I, somehow, managed to pull away from Frank long enough to rip open the letter. I was desperate for answers now.

‘Dear Dad,

As I’m writing this, your music is playing in the background. There is something seriously wrong, because it isn’t calming me down like it usually does.

It’s not the music; I love it so much.

It’s me; my mind is fucked.

Those bullies beat me, dad, they shouted at me and abused me everyday.

They messed with my mind and I’m too scared to do anything else because I know they will just get to me again.

I love you so much, but I just can’t see any other way out.

You gave me hope when my life seemed lost and I am truly grateful that you accepted me back into your life. I loved every minute I spent with you.

Do you remember when Frank whacked me over the head with his zombie guitar’

I laughed slightly at the memory and continued reading through my tears,

‘and I was in so much pain I wanted to curl up and die?

The way I’m feeling now is so much worse than how I felt then, no words can describe it.

I am so sorry to put you through all of this, but I really don’t know if there is any other way for me to escape the feelings inside of me.

I will always watch over you and you’ll be in my heart until the end of time.

Love from Holly.’

I dropped the letter onto the floor and lost control.

I cried so many tears I was convinced we would soon be needing an Ark, but my anger managed to seep through the tears. I leapt up sobbing, screaming and full of rage. The living room received the conseqeunces and barely survived through my freak-out.

I just lost it and seized anything and everything, throwing it, ripping it and smashing it.

At least, until Frank managed to get close enough without getting hurt and pulled me into his arms and dragged me down to the floor with him.

He cried silently while I sobbed endlessly into his body.

It was so unfair that she had to feel those things.

A/N:This isn't the end, although there will only be a max. of 5 chapter left.

I might post a sequel. I've literally just had a brain-wave about what could happen, so I'm going to get the ideas outta my head and onto paper and see where it goes :)

Just don't hate me for killing her!