It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Until the end of everything

A/N: Here you go dudes [and dudettes]; the final chapter.

I probably should have waited for you to read the previous one before updating again, but I'm going out in about 20 minutes and my mum's borrowing my laptop for the day... if I get it back later, I'll post the first chapter of the sequel. Just don't hold me to that, because I think the earliest you'll get it is tomorrow :)

Max’s P.O.V

I loved her so much, and yet I was forced to stand in the snow, surrounded by Holly’s family, and watch her body being lowered into the ground.

No-one said a word. No-one had to. Everyone knew what everyone else was feeling. They all just threw their flowers on top of her coffin and turned away.

I waited until last. It wasn’t deliberate, I was just so lost in thought I hadn’t noticed everyone silently saying goodbye and then leaving with friends.

I stood beside Louise in the silent cemetery, re-playing the moment I had read her note in my mind.

It had been the day after she had died and I hadn’t moved off my bed since returning home from the hospital.

Something was triggered in my mind and I sat up, searching for the note I had thrown across the room in anger the night before.

My eyes met it lying innocently on top of a dirty t-shirt and I leapt up to read it.

‘Dear Max,

Out of all the letters I have written, this, and the one to my mom, were the hardest to write.

Not because I didn’t know what to say, but more how I was going to say it.

I love you so much.

I just need you to understand that what you saw of my pain was just a small part of what I was actually feeling inside.

They broke my spirit and ripped my happiness from me.

Writing this just makes me want to throw the letters away and be with you forever. I just can’t do that.

That’s how far it’s gotten. I don’t know any other way out of the way I’m feeling.

We tried, you know we did, and it just didn’t work.

I need a favour from you. Just one favour;

When you’ve read this letter I want you to play ‘Demolition Lover’s and remember everything we had together. I want you to remember me for the happy times.

Please, don’t waste your life away wondering what could have happened if I had lived.

Just go out there and make something of yourself. Get married, have kids and be happy.

That’s all I ever wanted for you anyway.

But don’t forget that wherever I end up, and wherever you life takes you, I’ll always love you and will always watch over you.

Love always,

Until the end of everything.’

I forced myself away from the memory and threw the letter on top of the coffin. I had read it so many times, I knew it off by heart.

“Until the end of everything.” I whispered, crossed my body and turned away to Louise.

I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked away together, back through the deserted cemetery crying silent tears for Holly.

I stopped at the gate and looked back across the other graves to where Holly’s grave was being filled in.

I crossed my body one last time before turning away.