It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad


“Hey, losers, how does it feel to watch your blood pour from your arms?” Someone yelled. I sighed beside Louise; it was the same thing everyday. The same people would insist in shouting abuse at us, just because of the music we listened to and the clothes we wore.

“Why don’t you stop and ask yourself instead of wasting your precious cutting time on us?” Max yelled back to the short girl. I didn’t stop walking, just continued my way across the school yard and into the building, and remained deep in thought.

Mom hadn’t said a word about my dad since her breakdown with Sophia 2 weeks ago. I took the hint from her silences and didn’t mention him either. At least, not to her I didn’t.

“So, has he e-mailed back yet?” Louise asked as we walked through the heavy wooden doors of the school.

“No, Louise, he hasn’t.” I answered with a sigh. Louise nodded, on my left side and, from my right, I saw Max smirk.

“Louise, how is it you can ask the same question 3 times in the space of half an hour and not get sick of the same answer?” Max asked her playfully, just as we walked up a flight of stairs, to get to the first floor of the grey building.

“I don’t know Max, probably the same reason you keep asking Holly the same questions about her dad five million times a day.” Louise replied with a grin.

“I’m curious that’s all.” He answered with a shrug of his shoulder.

“Me too.” Louise answered back. I stopped, beside our lockers, and turned to face them.

“Alright guys, I’m so bored of this argument. Let’s do a deal.” I said and they both looked at me expectantly.

"If I get another e-mail or if I find anything else out about my dad…you two will be the first to know.” I explained and opened the locker.

“Why do you want to know anyways?” I asked through my door at Max, who was standing on my right with his head already buried in his locker and mumbling profanities at it. I seized a book and waited his reply.

“Knowledge is power, Hol.” Max grumbled. “Who knows what I can do with everything we know about Gerard.” His red face came into view as I slammed my door shut.

“Well, considering your brain isn’t big enough to hold too much knowledge, Max, I don’t think anyone’s scared of the power you could create.” Louise stated and shut her door with a grin. I laughed and Max raised his eyebrows.

“Ah, my dear, Lou-Lou.” He sighed and put his arm around her shoulders. “I think you find even the slightest bit of knowledge holds great power.”

I was actually impressed at that and smiled at him as he released Louise. I pulled him to me and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

“Finding out your dad’s surname is the difference between life and death for my hat. See Louise? One piece of information we need. One.” He said and I walked with his arm around me to our first lesson. God, I love Max so much.