That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win


“I won’t I won’t!” Squealed Malfoy.
I found it a struggle to stifle my laughter.
“Don’t ever even think about mentioning that again” Growled Jack.
Was he talking about the gay thing?
“I said i won’t!” Squeaked Malfoy..still struggling within Jacks firm grip. He wriggled away and Jack let him him go.

Malfoy took a few steps away from jack, straightened his back and scowled .
“Wait ‘til my father hears about this” He sneered.
“Is that a threat?” Jack raised an eyebrow.
“It might just be”
“Well y’know what..Draco..I don’t care shit about what your father thinks of me”
“But you do care what Voldermort thinks..don’t you?” Malfoy put on an innocent voice. Jacks lips quivered..and his eyes narrowed slightly.
“You don’t want to end up like you..poor..little..sister” cooed Draco. Jacks face broke with emotion, he gathered himself and flicked his wand at draco whilst shouting a curse.
“Expelliarmus!” retaliated Malfoy, just in time. Their spells collided, and the force sent Jacks wand to rip from his fingers and fly to the stone floor.

The torches on the walls flickered slightly. Draco Malfoy laughed, and pointed his wand at Jack who was struggling to get up off the hard floor.Draco opened his mouth to cast a spell.
I span around the corner and twisted my wand in the air, pointing the slender mahogany-coloured wood at the back of malfoys head.
“Expelliarmus!” Malfoys wand span into the air and landed with a clatter on the flagstone flooring next to Jack.

They both stared at me in accusation.
“What are the hell are you doing?” Spat Malfoy.
“Accio wand” I whispered under my breath. Malfoy’s chunky black wand flew into my hands.
Jack was lying on the ground, looking quite dazed. He met my eyes, and frowned in thought.
He stood up, picking up his own wand, and turned to Malfoy.

“Leave” he said in a stern tone. Malfoy looked over at me, I threw his wand at him. Half-hoping that it would catch him in the eye. He caught it and ran away. As his thundering footsteps faded down the hall; Jack turned and stood right in front of me, and so close to my face, that his breath gently tickled my chin.

“Thanks I guess” he looked me in the eye. The gaze in his greeny/grey eyes seemed to capture me, as though he could see right into me, and into my thoughts. His long, dark eyelashes flickered slightly. He was beautiful.

“I problem..I mean, I just heard voices, and then I saw you and I thought, yeah, no problem”. I mumbled, trying to stay calm. I forced a smile. Jack nodded his head very slightly, and looked away, taking a step back. As he walked away around the corner, I swear I caught a glimpse of a smile on his rosy lips.