Sequel: Nights That Never End



My fingers tapped my right thigh, my right leg crossed over my left. The white walls nearly blinded me with the reflections of the fluorescent lighting above. Tom would just love this, would have that is. I hadn’t seen Tom in two months. He left me without a word, and as far as I know he’s dead. My eyes darted around the room. Many women were seated in the navy blue plastic chairs that had a pointless hole in the back, why weren’t the chairs completely solid? A woman was called up to pay her fee. She waddled up to the counter holding her whale-like belly. Her sky blue t-shirt was stretched over her stomach and her kakis barely fit her. I glanced around at the other people in the clinic. How could she give up her baby this far in? Anybody could tell it wasn’t just belly fat. I began to wonder, why was I here? Because Tom didn’t want me anymore. “Say?” Oliver whispered in my ear while tugging lightly on my t-shirt sleeve.

“Hm?” I asked turning my head to meet his shimmering olive coloured eyes.

“I don’t think yeh should do this,” his pout wasn’t there anymore. He kept his serious face on, his expression hadn’t changed since last night. When he became outraged and locked himself away in his room. “He’ll come back to yeh, I know it.”

“Oliver, you said you knew he wouldn’t leave when I told him,” I single tear fell down my cheek, instinctively his thumb wiped it away. I couldn’t do this, I didn’t know why I was even going to try. I took in a deep shaky breath.

“Let’s go love, you and I both know this isn’t what yeh or Tommeh would want,” he stood up and held his hand out for me. I willingly took it and let his hand pull my weight up. I slowly walked out with him, out to his car. I could have sworn I saw Tom.

“Oli there he is!” I pointed across the street. Oliver squinted from the bright light of the sun and he peered over to the convenience store.

“Love, ’s just a guy with a bad ‘aircut. Tom’s paleh and thinneh.” His hand rubbed my back soothingly as he led me to the passengers seat. After he opened it and I got his he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. It lasted longer than one of his friendly kisses. Oliver slammed the door shut, and walked quickly to his side. I looked at the man I thought was Tom, he was pumping gasoline into his car. As he turned to get into his car I noticed it really wasn’t Tom. I was being paranoid.


“Hm?” He looked up from where he was putting the key in the ignition, his eyes glistened as he gave me a bright smile. I had a sudden urge to touch the stubble around his mouth and chin, like I would when Tom didn’t shave.

“What am I gonna do?”

“We’ll figure something out.”
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So I'm going to make the chapters long like this. Well at least a page in my Works Processor, my Word won't work but oh well. Comment, rate, subscribe. Please and thank you :D