Status: Completed

It's My Pain Too

Making Memories

Frank's POV

We have just gotten home and I am lying on the couch, exhausted. I have decided to take a short nap before deciding to call Gerard. So I settle down and fall asleep.

Later on I awake to voices talking. It's mom. She's telling Gerard about what happened to me at the hospital and how I need to take it easy. I push myself into a sitting position and swing my legs off the couch. After taking a few moments to wake up properly, I get slowly off the couch and with shaking legs manage to make my way into the kitchen where mom and Gerard are. They notice me immediately and Gerard stands up quickly to help me into a chair.

"Hey Gee." I greet him with a smile on my face.

"Hey Frankie. How are you?" He replies.

"I am actually feeling pretty good." I converse.I take a quick look at the clock and notice I only slept for half an hour.

"Do you wanna go outside?" I ask. He gives me a strange look.

"I wanna be able to enjoy the sun as much as possible." I continue. He smiles and it lights up the whole room.

"Sure. We can sit out under the tree and drink lemonade." He suggests, it's as if he can read my mind.

"Mom we are going outside." I call out to her as I make my way to the back door.

"Ok, yell if you need anything." She replies.

Gerard get two cans of lemonade out of the fridge and follows me out the back door, into the sunlight and warmth.

"It feels good to be out here." I randomly say.

"Are you glad to be out? Even for a little while?" He asks.

"Yer. You tend to forget what the little things in life are like when you are locked inside. It's like being sick on the first day of summer vacation." I describe.

"So that's how it feels?" He asks, still clearly confused.

"Yep. I don't take anything for granted anymore. I can't afford to be complacent." I reply.

There is silence for a long time as we are both lost in our own thoughts. I close my eyes and take in the warmth of the outside. I don't want to go back inside but I feel suddenly tired. When I open my eyes, however, I notice that I am in my bedroom and outside is dark. I guess I must of fallen alseep. I groan and a figure pop's up beside my bed.

"Frankie? Are you ok?" It's Gerard.

"No." I suddenly start crying as pain shoots throughout my body.

The world is spinning and I feel sick, I haul myself into a sitting position and puke all over my blankets and myself.
Suddenly mom is in my room sitting behind me, rubbing my back as a bucket is placed under my head and I continue to vomit into the bucket. Once I have finally finished vomiting and dry heaving I start to sob. The bucket is taken away by mom and Gerard is hugging me.

"Gee?" I sob quietly.

"Yer?" He asks tentively

"Can you help me have a shower please?" I ask.

"Sure." He replies.

He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom and turns the shower on to the right temperature, before helping me out of my clothes, and into the shower. Once I am sitting in the bottom of the shower he tells me that he will be back, that he is just going to tell my mom that he's helping me. All I can do is nod.

"Frank?" Mom calls from the bathroom door. I grunt in return.

"I called the doctor, she want's you back at the hospital asap. I'll get Gerard to help you out and get dressed then we'll go ok?" she states. I grunt again.

Soon Gerard is turning the shower off and helping me out of the shower. I manage to dry meself and Gerard helps me with my clothes. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them we are in the car.

The drive was silent and when we got to the hospital I was signed back in and put in my bed and hooked up to an IV with pain relief, antibiotics and therapy meds. Mom left me and Gerard for a couple of minutes while she went to talk to the doctor.

"Gerard?" I asked, quietly.

"Yer" He replied.

"Stay with me tonight, please?" I asked.

"Ok. I'm not going anywhere." He smiled softly, before climbing into bed with me.

That's how I was found the next morning, when they came in to get me for my treatment. Gerard promised that he would be back later after he showered and got some clean clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok I don't think that there will be much more to this story, but we'll see it might go on for a while longer or it might stop suddenly. Lemme know what you want.(aka commenting)
