Status: Completed

It's My Pain Too

Time Is Running Out

Frank's POV

I spent the night alone in ICU. I had a room all to myself. Gerard wasn't allowed to stay, so he went home just a few minutes ago. I think I will just go to sleep, although it's hard because I have to stay laying on my back.

*****Next Day*****

I awake to a perky red head nurse putting some beakfast infront of me.

"Hi Frank, I'm Alice. I have been the nurse looking after you." She greets me with a warm smile.

"Hi." I reply with a raspy voice.

"I'm pretty sure you will be heading back to your ward today. All your vitals are back to normal...uh well as normal as possible." She states. She has an awkward look on her face, as if she doesn't know how to act.

"It's okay. Don't feel wierd. I have been told I'm dying. I'm sure I can handle anything you say to me." I reassure her.

"Oh...well...okay." She smiles, then turns to leave.

When she is gone I take a look at what is for breakfast. It is toast with strawberry jam. My favourite. I settle in and eat most of the two pieces of toast. I don't have a big stomach these days. It's the cancer.

I manage to have a shower, and brush my teeth before Gerard and Dr Mille shows up.

"Morning Frank. You're going back to your ward now. All your vitals are stable and we've given you some more pain relief." She states, while Gerard comes over and plants a tender kiss to my forehead.

I can't help the fact that I see a quick flash of sympathy in Gerard's eyes, before he hides it behind that amazing smile of his. I wonder if he knows something, that they aren't telling me. I forget it for a while as Dr Mille and the same nurse as before, Alice, I think her name is, unlatch the brakes on my bed and wheel me back to my ward.

They put my bed back in the same place where it always is and walk away with small goodbyes. I take a look at Nancy, she looks as if she is dead, but I notice she is still hooked up to a heart monitor. I wonder why.

"She's not going to make it Frank." Gerard sits in the oversized chair beside my bed.

"Oh." I reply. I think that is the reason for the sympathy in Gerard's eyes this morning.

"I sat with her for a while this morning before I was able to see you." He confessed.

I don't feel jealous, just sad.

"I want to sit with her, now, please." I ask.

Gerard nods and picks me up and puts me in the chair beside her bed and pushes it closer.

"I'll give you some time, I'm just going to get a coffee." He states. I mumble a small thanks.

I turn to look at her and smile softly, it barely touches the sides of my lips. Her eyes are open but only just.

"Nancy." I whisper.

"Don't cry frankie baby." She whispers horsly.

"Shhh. Don't speak. I know its your time. Just let me sit with you and when you feel it's time you let me know. I'll sit with you and hold your hand." I say, my voice breaking slightly.

She nods feebly and we return to a comfortable silence. She falls asleep shortly after and I'm not far behind her. I soon fall asleep in the chair.

What feels like seconds later, but is actually 2 hours later I am awoken to Gerard.

"Frankie, look it's Nancy." He points to Nancy.
She is on her side and looking at me with fear stricken eyes.

"F-frankie..." she gasps. "I-it's t-time." She finishes. She looks scared.

"Don't be scared. You will live in no pain ever again." I whisper.

She holds her hand out and I grab it as tightly as I can. I let out a sob and Gerard is crouching down next to me.
It's not as dramatic as I expect. Her fear stricken eyes slowly fade into emptyness and her grip on my hand starts to loosen, the only sign of her death is the heart monitor flat lining.

Dr Bryar and Dr Mille rush in and turn the monitor off. Dr Mille announces the time of death.

13:13pm September 10, 2009.
Nancy Bella Knight
♠ ♠ ♠
its not over