Status: Completed

It's My Pain Too

September 14

Frank's POV

It had been four days since Nancy died. In that time I have mourned, cried and laughed at the memories we all made together. Yesterday was her funeral and I had to leave straight after the ceremony, straight after they put her six feet under. I shudder at the thought. I look out at the window and notice that it's raining. It rained the day she died and it hasn't stopped since. That was why I had to come straight back to the hosiptal, so I didn't get sick.

But alas that didn't go to plan.

I got sick. I have pneumonia.

So on top of Nancy's death, I had to try and cheat death and not die from being sick. Dr Mille had given me all she could to try and give me a better chance of getting over this. Some how I don't think it's working.

"Gerard?" I ask. He's sitting in the armchair next to my bed.

"Yer?" He replies.

"I...I don't think...I don't think I am getting better." I voice my fear indirectly.

I watch him process this information for a few seconds, before the realisation hits him square in the face. He squirms in his seat the rises from it.

"Shove over." He says, and I comply, moving to make room for him.

He climbs into the bed with me and we shift around a little bit so I am snuggled into his chest.

"Don't say that. Do you hear me? I can't lose you right now." He whispers and I can feel the tears fall from his eyes and onto my head.

His scent is comforting and his arms are strong, he won't let me go physically, but emotionally he will have to let me go when I die.

"Gerard?" I ask again, my voice weak and horse.

"Yer" He replies softly.

I give a cough, and a second one, it passes.

"I love you." He is quiet for a moment.

"I love you too"

For a while we lay in silence, it only ever being broken by my coughing. For a long while we lay there and think. I think about my impending death and I'm sure Gerard thinks about me.

"Gee?" I say.

"Mmm?" He mumbles.

"Can you get me something to drink?" I ask.

"Sure baby" He replies and gets out of the bed.

"I'll be right back." He smiles at me before leaving the room.

While he is gone Dr Bryar comes into the room.

"Hey Frank." He greets me

"Hey." I mumble.

"How're you feeling?" He asks as he picks up my unnaturally thing wrist and starts counting.

"Bad." I reply.

"I see. Your pulse in elevated, which means the infection is getting worse. Your temperature is getting higher as well." He pauses.

I give a cough and a second and a third. Gerard returns with a cup in his hand. He greets Dr Bryar and pushes a button on my bed and I start to sit up. Once I am in an upright position he give me the cup. Its orange juice. He holds it to my mouth and I take small sips.

"Well, I suggest we move you into ICU as you're getting worse. Yes Gerard can stay with you. Also try staying sitting upright for a while and drink plenty of fliuds. I'm sorry Frank but it's all we can do for you at this moment." His voice starts out stroing but by the end it's symapthetic.

"Am I going to die today?" I ask him, looking straight into his eyes.

"I don't know Frank. It could be today it could be tonight, hell you could live a few more days or weeks. It's touch and go right now." He replies looking back at me.
I give a nod of understanding.

"Are you in pain?" Dr Bryar asks.

"No" I say.

"So are you happy to go to ICU?" He asks, trying to gently shove me in that direction.

"Yer" I reply.

He gives a nod and he unlatches the brakes on my bed and we head off to the ICU.

I'm afraid that this is my last stop, and I am absolutely petrified.
♠ ♠ ♠
Most of the idea for this chapter has been inspired by my mom.