Never Let Go



We were at the local Starbucks, apparantly Pat was craving some Starbucks. The guys and Emma was getting along great surprisingly.

"you should go to our concert tonight in Deigo Emmy" Pat said and Emma smiled at her new nickname.

"I would love to Patty, but I have dinner plans with my best friend" she said sadly.

"you guys could have dinner with us" Jared sujested and we all nodded her heads.

"I'll ask her about" we all high fived eachother and she giggled, taking a sip from her Carmel Frap.

"I'm older than you" Pat said randomly and Emma stuck out her tounge at her.

"good then I could see you old and hairy first" we all laughed, except for Pat who was pouting.

"you just got own Pat" Tim said, high fiving Emma while she giggled and gave an inoccent smile to Pat.

"I'm sorry Patty did that hurt your feeling" she said.

"nah I just realized your little boy toy would be getting older and hairy first than me" I looked over at her and she blushed, she looked over at me and I couldn't help the smile that was growing.

"it's ok he'll look better than you" she said back and I sighed in relief. Garret gave me a look and smiled, I nodded my head.

"ouch burn" Jared said and we laughed.

"Emma 2 Pat 1" I said and put my arms around her shoulders.

"well you know what you're just jelous" Pat said and we laughed.

"yeah Pat I totally am" Emma said sarcasticly and I smiled.Pat laughed and nodded his head.

"thought so" Emma rolled her eyes and laughed. I head "Jersey" by Mayday Parade playing and Emma looked at me.

"phone please" she asked and I nodded my head. I grabbed her iPhone from my pocket and gave it to her, she smiled and looked down who was calling.

"heey Nat babe what's up?" she asked, while putting down her hand on my thigh and looked at me, I smiled while she was drawing shapes.I looked at the guys and they smirked.

"you guys should stop smirking" I mummbled and Jared who was sitting near me laughed.

"sorry bud, but we've never seen a girl like Emma act like this towards you" I schoock my head.

"act like what?" Emma asked, when she put her phone on the table.

"well that was quick convo" Pat said, trying to change the subject. I rolled my eyes.

"yeah she just called telling my we had to do dinner another time" she shrugged her shoulders.

"then you can go to the concert with us" All of us smiled.

"mmmhmm" she took a sip from her frap again "but act like what?"

"oh and she has good memory for a blonde" Pat added and Emma playfully glared at him.

"heeey some blondes are actually smart" she said and we all laughed.

"yes example one" Garret said pointing to her and she blushed.

"oh why thank you" she smiled.

"brain and beauty, nice one O'Callaghan" Jared whispered and I pushed him lightly, while he laughed.
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hmm i felt like this one was shorted than the others
but oh well maybe the next one will be longer? [:

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