Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


Beep beep, beep beep.

My phone vibrated beside my bed. It was late, I'd shut down the computer once Rosie had signed off, then realized it was approaching the early hours of the morning. I opened my weary eyes and peered around the dimly lit room, confused.

"Huh?" I groaned and rubbed my eyes, flopping back down on the bed. Whatever the text was, it could wait.

Beep beep, beep beep.

Or maybe not.

I sat up again, groping around for my bedside lamp. I found the switch, flicked it and winced at the burst of bright light. I rubbed my eyes again, mumbling under my breath, annoyed that somebody had woken me. If it was Kalli so help me I'd....

FRANK I'VE DONE SOMETHING STUPID, the text read. I knew it was Rosie, she never used text talk. I read on, my heart in my mouth. I THINK I NEED YOU.

I dropped the phone, leaping out of bed and grabbing my jeans, pulling them on over my boxers which I'd slept in. I shoved on a jumper and I was reaching for my shoes when I remembered the second text.


Like I was going to listen.


I ran all the way there, the cold morning mist wrapping itself around my body as I pushed my legs forward, desperately. Rosie used a mental wall to try and protect herself, trying to block everyone out. This time, it wouldn't work.

There was no car in the drive and the lights were off except for one on the top floor. I ran to the front door and hammered down on it. I waited impatiently and there was no answer. I rang the doorbell a few times, and it's reedy ring echoed in the empty sounding house. I shivered, it sounded creepy and dead.

I tried the door, hoping, hoping, hoping that it was open. It was, and I walked in, suddenly hesitant.

"Hello?" I called, and my voice echoed too. "Rosie!" I hated how scared my voice was.

A faint moan came from upstairs and that was all it took for me. I sprinted up the stairs, barely feeling like I was touching the ground. I tried the first open door and it was a bedroom. A light came from a door inside, an en-suite toilet, I guessed. I headed toward it and the door swung open at my touch.

I barely heard my gasp, the world seemed to fall from my feet and everything was gone except the limp body in front of me. Her trouser legs were rolled up, showing pink scars all over her pale limbs. I gasped at that, but they were scars, where was the blood coming from?

Because there was a lot of blood. I knelt down to touch the rug where it had stained, and it was warm and sticky. I gagged and looked back to Rosie. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell slowly with shallow breaths.

I looked back to her legs. One was covered in blood, and I turned it slightly, gasping even louder as I saw the huge gash that ran from her knee to her ankle. I closed my eyes, pain tearing through me, but nothing to the pain that Rosie must have felt.

"Oh Rosie," I whispered, then I reached for my phone, knowing it was time to call 911.
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update, please comment :D