Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


I was a little annoyed Rosie was ignoring me, I figured she might while she was still recovering at home, but when she came back to school the next week it was the same. It was so frustrating. What was wrong with her? I mean, all I did was try and help. It seemed every time I tried to do that I pissed her off. Well, let her be pissed off.

I spent two weeks sitting with Kalli, and Rosie never came up until a very boring Math lesson on a Friday afternoon.

"Hey, I heard the Freak," she meant Rosie. "Is moving school. Stupid little slut, it deserves her right." A look of hate crossed Kalli's face and I nodded. I had given up on defending Rosie. "I mean, she was okay at the beginning of last year, then she fucked Tyler and got pregnant, then we heard everything."

I stared at Kalli, hoping somebody would come along and scrape my jaw off the floor. I hadn't been expecting that, that's for sure.

"Isn't that slutty?" Kalli prompted, looking at me expectantly.

I shot a look to Rosie, who was sitting only two seats away. Her whole body was clenched up tight, her hands balled into fists, it was obvious she'd heard us.

"Yeah, that is," I agreed.


I signed onto my computer before I went to bed and started when I saw Rosie was actually on-line. And she wanted to talk to me.

Rosie.R says:
You fucking bastard!

Frank says:
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

Rosie.R says:
Oh, you're sorry, that makes it okay then! You're an asshole!

Frank says:
I know.

Rosie.R says:
No, your worse than that! Your scum! Your worse than scum! Your the scum, on the scum, on the scum! I hate you!

Rosie.R says:
I hate you!

Rosie.R says:

I stared at the little blinking blue box that contained the angry messages sent from Rosie. She had every right to be angry, I knew that. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Plenty of people had told me they hated be before, but never this vehemently. I'd never given them a reason to before.

Rosie.R says:
I fucking hate you! You fucking prick! GO DIE! I hate you!

Frank says:
I hate you too.

Rosie.R says:

Frank says:
But I love you more. Not everlasting undying Romeo for Juliet love, but love anyway.

Frank says:
You're annoying and frustrating and sometimes I hate you because you hurt me. But I still love you, because you're my friend.

Frank says:
I know your mad, and you hate me, but I can make it up to you or try. Meet me at the park in three hours.

Then I shut down the computer quickly, before I could see her reply.
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