Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


Once the sun had risen, I rose too, from where I'd been lying in the grass, arms wrapped around Frank's warm body. His arms had held me too, but when it came to 7am I pulled away and jogged off, waving over my shoulder to him.

I sneaked in through my window, scrabbling up the gutter and scraping my palms and my knees. I ripped my sweat pants a little, but I didn't mind. Seeing the sun rise had filled me with a light happiness that I couldn't shake off.

I sat down in front of my computer, since I was a bit of an Internet addict. I killed the pop-ups that tried to bother me, and signed into my usual chat-room. I didn't really chat to anyone on there, I just posted photographs that I took, since I loved photography. But this time when I signed on I had a message and a friend request. I accepted, then opened my in-box to read.

To: Stranger
Hey, I don't really know why I'm sending this, but you're photo's are really cool and I love the self portraits you've done, they are very cool. You're pretty!

I shook my head and clicked on the Reply button.

To: Crazy Guy/Girl
Ha ha but I'm not pretty. Thanks for making me laugh though!

I thought that would be the end of that, but immediately I had a new message.

To: Even Crazier Girl
Are you blind? You're gorgeous. I want to eat you! Yum ha ha! Shoot, now I want a McDonald's! Ah! PS I am a guy!

To: McDonald Eater
No, I'm not blind. What a dumb question. How could I take photo's and type if I was blind? That's a joke by the way, I have a crippled sense of humor.

To: Funny Girl
I laughed at that! I guess my sense of humor is pretty crippled too, huh? Let's make a club! We can be the C.S.H, like instead of C.S.I

To: No Name
And I thought I was bad! What would the club do? I'll respond later, I have to go, parental units appear to be awakening. Bye bye!

To: Disappearing Act
My name is Jake, by the way. Bye bye strange girl. X

I smiled to myself and decided today would be a good day.
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