Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


To: So it's Jake is it?
I'm back on-line, feel like chatting? Gosh I feel desperate....

To: Desperate girl
You just want me! Admit it. And obviously I am on-line too. I have no life. Ha ha. I looked at some more of your pictures. You are beautiful. How are you? What you up to? Been doing anything interesting

To: Mr 20 Questions
I will never admit it! And gosh what a lot of questions. 1) I am good, I suppose. 2) Talking to you and listening to music. 3) Not really, it's the weekend and my friend was busy, so I hung out at home. Same questions to you.

To: Mrs Cannot Count
Only 3 questions! And if you want 20 I'll give you 20! Ha ha! And my answers are not interesting, so I'm going to continue questioning you. Why won't you admit you want me? What's your name? How old are you?

To: Mr. J Nosy
Oh dear god... this will take a while won't it? Hmmm... Because I don't want you. I'm Astrid-Rose Riley and I'm sixteen years young. Any more?

To: Astrid-Rose
Your name is as beautiful as you. And I'm 16 too! What kind of music do you like? Do you like movies? If so, what kind? What's your family like?

Please call me Rosie. I like punk and metal, and horror movies. I don't know my real family because I'm adopted and I only met my Mom once and she didn't want anything to do with me.

To: Beautiful Rosie
That's horrid. My Mom and Dad were never together I don't know my Mom, just my step-Mom. So I guess I kind of know how you feel. I would think of a more cheerful subject but all I can think of is how much I want to meet you! I'll send you my mobile number and we can arrange something okay? Xxx
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, just a message chapter.
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