Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


To: Early Bird
Woah, you are awake early? Can't you sleep? Or haven't you slept? Just desperate to see me I am guessing. Not guessing, knowing. Poor infatuated girl.

To: Mr Delusional
Whatever, it's far too early for this. My alarm went off like, two and a half hours early (why?) so I figured I might as well come and talk to somebody before I went insane. And I know you have no life, so hi there!

To: Bitch
Ha ha, I totaly didn't sneak in your room and set your alarm early just so I could talk to you online. (Thats sarcasm, don't get carried away!) And wow, thank you for putting me before your personal hygeine. When we meet (if I still want to. Check your attitude missy!) you will stink!

To: Liar
I love how you didn't deny your lack of life. You have made my day, honestly. I'll be smiling for hours. How can I ever repay you? He he, have some mental images. And I know you weren't in my room or you would have run away and avoided me forever.

To: Miss In Denial
I have seen pictures. You must look less sad in your sleep. I hope. I want to see you sleep one day. Not in a perverted way, before you get all offended! I just wish we could meet up. I'm sorry I got grounded. Stupid Dad!

To: Ungrateful Pig
Hey! I don't have a dad here, you shouldn't complain about him, you should be grateful! You apologised for offeding me after the wrong sentance! Idiot!

To: Nasty Girl
Well you have Tessa who is like a Mom, so I should be offended because I don't have one and you complain about Tessa all the time. How about we call it even, alright?

To: Jacob
Fine okay you win again Mr Reasonable. Unlike some people I could mention, honestly, what the hell is wrong with my fucking school? They have been taken over by aliens who cannot affect me!

To: Rosie Rose
Or maybe they are just jealous of you? Ever think of that? And how are things with your friend, whats-his-name? He still with that bimbo you were telling me about?

To: Jake The Jacket
Don't be silly. No I didn't. His name is Frank and things are fine. Yes.

To: Rose The Rabbit
Wow that was a short reply! I offended you again didn't I? Dang, I'm bad at this friend thing. I apologise from the bottom of my heart.

PS Jake the Jacket? How lame can you get Rosie? And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

To: Jake The Guy-Who-Should-Learn-To-Shut-Up
Is this better/ I think it's more aptly name. And you have a cheek to talk! Rosie the Rabbit? Sounds like a cheesey kids TV show. Here comes Rosie the Rabbit and all her friends. Harry the Hedgehog and Ben the Bumbleebee! And no, you didn't offend me Jake. I just don't understand how somebody supposed to be my best (or only) friend can be the boyfriend of a girl who hates my guts.

To: Rosie Darling
Rosie, I'm only going to say this once. You are amazing and Frank is obviously in denial that he is in love with you. Don't bother telling me I am wrong. Go listen to the song "Sharada" because that person is singing about you, I swear to you.

To: Jake Dearest
My teachers don't think I'm slow. They think I'm a slut.

To: Rosie
Are you?

To: Jake

To: Rosie
Then why do they think that then?

To: Jake
Too tired to tell you now. I've been on-line for too long, I need to go shower and get ready for school. Speak to you soon. X

To: Rosie
Don't be mad at me! Have fun at school! Xxx