Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


"Frank, I can't find anything, I'm bored," I heard Kalli whine from the other end of the shop. I looked up from the novel I was reading the blurb of, and saw her pouting in the corner.

"Hey, Kalli, I think I see some celebrity autobiographies over there," I pointed to a far away shelf with a picture of some model beside it. Kalli grinned and scampered over, letting me go back to reading the novel's synopsis.

"A delightful tale of two friends trying to deny their love for one another," I read aloud, then put the book back. "Romance, boring!" I rolled my eyes and started browsing again.

I heard the small shop fill with a ring, announcing to the two customers (Kalli and I) that some others had come to join us. Kalli didn't look up but I did.

A tall boy, looking just a bit older than me, strolled in, his arm slung casually around a girl hiding behind a curtain of thick, dark hair. The boy was whispering in her ear and when he pulled away the girl laughed loudly, filling the shop with sound again.

I glanced to Kalli and she had looked at the couple too. Her eyes were narrowed and her cheeks were flushed. A look of immense distaste had covered her sweet face and I followed her eye-line back to the couple. I stepped toward my girl, frowning in confusion.

"God," Kalli said in a loud voice before I could reach her. I stepped back behind the bookshelf that had been hiding me. "Thanks a lot!" She slammed down the book she'd been holding and the other girl flinched, hiding her face in her boyfriends chest. "You've spoiled my day now!"

"Excuse me?" The boys voice was strong and full of authority. He glared at Kalli and I bit my lip, hoping nothing would happen.

"Not you," Kalli snapped. "Her!" She pointed at the boys girlfriend, and he frowned.

"What did Rosie do?"


"What didn't she do?" Kalli snarled. "She's such a s-l-u-t! She fucked some guy and got up the duff, then she got rid of it, which is like, so wrong by the way."

The strange boy looked at Rosie, pulling away slightly. She looked up at him, tears forming in her wide eyes. The boy looked at her for a long moment, and it seemed such a private moment that I wanted to look away.

"Whatever, you silly bitch," the boy laughed. "You're the one who looks like a slut."

Rosie looked up at him with an adoring look and he smiled at her. He'd stood up for her, even when she looked bad, even when she acted badly, even though he had been taken by surprise by Kalli. Something I hadn't done.

Was that why my heart seemed to be straining against my chest? Was that why my eyes were stinging so badly? Was that why my knees felt weak and I suddenly wanted to be the boy holding Rosie?

"Rosie," my voice was barely a whisper, but Rosie and the boy both looked in my direction. Kalli sent a look of hatred in my direction and stormed out of the store. I cringed, and sidled out from where I'd been standing.

"Frank?" Rosie's voice was full of rage, and the other boy just looked confused. "You've been here the whole time." A statement, not a question. I nodded anyway.

"I'm sorry Rosie," I muttered in a low voice. "I've been a shit friend, and if I could have another chance, I swear, I'll do better. I'm just a daft English sod," I forced a half-smile.

"Fuck off," the guy said. "Rosie wants nothing to do with you. I heard about you, Frankie, and your a fucking asshole. I'm going to give you five fucking seconds to fuck off with your slut of a girl and then if I ever fucking see you again, I'll fucking kill you!"

I blinked at how many times he'd used the word 'fuck' then shook my head.

"I'm only going to leave if Rosie asks me to," I said.

"Jake was right Frank," Rosie said, her voice devoid of emotion. "Fuck off."
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