Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


My whole body seemed to be throbbing in time with a beat. I wondered if it was my heartbeat. Did I still have a heart? I searched deep inside myself and sure enough, there was a tiny little thudding organ still going strong in my chest.

So I wasn't dead. And I wasn't dying.

My body felt very heavy, and everything felt foggy. My eyes hurt, still feeling like they were made of sand. It was the kind of feeling you get when somebody wakes you up too early and your body needs more sleep.

I tried to open my eyes because I could sense somebody else nearby. I couldn't though, I was still immobile but this time I felt a little worried. Had somebody drugged me? Was I being kidnapped by some extremist?

I wished I knew what was going on.

I focused on trying to listen to my surroundings. It felt like cotton wool was in my ears, and I figured it was a possibility. However, I couldn't shake my head to clear it, so I was limited. I could hear, ever so slightly though.

Very faint, it sounded like somebody in the kitchen, I could hear machines. Somebody was talking as the machines whirred, but I couldn't work out who they were or what they were saying. I didn't want it to be my mum, I wanted it to be my dad.

At this thought, I felt the edges of oblivion creeping up on my, and I grabbed hold of it and wrapped myself in nothingness like it was a comforting blanket.
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There shall be more Frank chapters, but they will all be quite short.
Lots planned, lots planned ^.^