Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


To: Jake-Y
Hey, I know I've not been on-line for a while and I'm really sorry. How are you doing? I miss you!

To: Rosie
How come you've not been on-line? Isn't Frank any better? I really do hope he gets better. I know he's your friend. And I'm doing alright, I suppose. I miss having you around. Fancy going out sometime?

To: Jake
He woke up, kind of, at one point. The doctors were trying some tests on him and he opened his eyes. But that was two months ago... I am so scared Jake. And I don't know if I feel like going out. All I do is go to school and the hospital.

To: Rosie darling
Poor darling, have a cyber hug! I'm positive he will wake up again, I can feel it in my blood. Does that make you feel any better? I hope it does! And if you don't want to come out, I'll come to yours on Saturday.

To: Silly Jake
Wow that was a nice cozy cyber hug there, thank you! And I do feel a bit better, thanks again. And sure, that would be nice. Why not just come round now? It's Friday night after all.

To: Rosie dear
I'll be there in 30 minutes! Kisses and hugs!

I switched my computer off and lay down on my bed. I smiled to myself, glad that despite the fact my life seemed to be falling apart, I still had one friend. Two, if the one in the coma counted. If he'd forgive me when he woke up.

"Tessa?" I called from where I lay. When there was no answer, I padded over to the doorway. "Tessa!" There was still no answer, so I figured she must have left to go shopping.

I lay back down and picked up my journal for Frank. I held the pen to the paper, ready to write a greeting, but like my previous entry said, I just didn't know what to write or say.

I put the journal down and put my head in my hands. Ever since the kiss Frank had given me, maybe even before that, something about how I felt for him had changed. Even though he only liked me as a friend, I felt something more.

The doorbell rang and I twitched, wondering how long I'd been spacing out.

I strolled downstairs and opened the door. Immediately Jake pulled me into a huge hug, feeling like he was bruising my ribs. I gasped and he relaxed slightly, chuckling to himself.

"Sorry sweet pea, you okay?" I looked up at him, since he was taller than me, and he smiled down at me. "I keep forgetting how tiny you are!"

"So on-line I sound fat or something then?" I giggled and Jake squeezed me again, making me laugh harder. "Want a drink?"

I wriggled out of his grasp and he tugged my hair teasingly. I slapped his hand, giggling again and I got two glasses of water for us both, guiding Jake to the living room. We both sat on the sofa and I switched the telly on, letting it burble on in the background.

"So how are you dear?" Jake put his arm round me and hugged me close to him. I set my head on his chest and sighed happily. His heartbeat was strong and loud in my ear.

"I'm okay, I guess. You?" I murmured lazily.

"I don't matter. You do," he insisted, kissing my head.

I was so startled by that I looked up and then suddenly Jake's lips were on mine, soft and warm. His arms were still around me and one hand intertwined itself in my hair.

"Rosie," he whispered my name against my lips, then tugged me closer.

But I pulled myself away, placing my hands on his chest and shoving him in the opposite direction.

"No!" I yelled louder than I'd meant to.

"Rosie?" Jake looked confused and hurt. "I thought..."

"I love Frank!" I burst out.

"And I love you," he whispered.

♠ ♠ ♠
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