Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


Everything was too loud. I couldn't think of when it stopped being silence and when it became an angry rabble that burned my ears, but it was there and it wouldn't go away. I could hear voices and buzzing and I wanted to cover my ears, but of course, I couldn't.

"Go away!" I wanted to scream. "Leave me alone!"

All I wanted was to be alone. Completely and utterly alone. With nothing to bother me.

"Frank? Frank please wake up," a voice, apart from the noise. I wanted it to stop.

"Frank?" The voice persisted, a female. "I have to tell you, I love you."

That meant nothing to me. All I felt was pain and confusion. I didn't know what I wanted, except the utmost desire to be alone.

"Frank, I love you," they seemed to be crying, but again, I felt nothing.

I seemed to shiver all over, without moving. Screams began in my mind, drowning out the crying girl. I thought maybe she was crying, but the screams were so different. Scary. I felt like I was crying. Voices were in my mind, weaving in and out of the screams. Confusion made me want to collapse inwards.

"You should be dead," the voices seemed to whisper, and I agreed, completely.

I curled up on myself, inwardly and metaphorically, and told myself to die.
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