Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


"Rosie, Rosie darling," Jake shook me gently. "Breath Rosie, come on, breathe!"

I blinked at him, suddenly aware of the tight feeling wrapping itself around my chest. I shuddered once, then took a long, deep breath. I shuddered again and put my face in my hands. I was surprised to feel the dampness on my cheeks. I sniffed once then sat up straight and let Jake hug me.

"It might be okay," he whispered into my hair as I forced myself not to cry. "But Rosie, you need to find Kalli."

I pulled away from him and stared at him, eyes wide. Was he mad? Me, go see Kalli? She hadn't come to see Frank since before he woke up. Quite a while, actually. Why should I tell her anything? When had she ever done anything for me?

"Come on Rosie," Jake seemed to read my face. "I know you don't like her, but she is Frank's girlfriend. She loves him. She needs to be here tomorrow, no matter what you think of her."

"But, I don't want her to be here," I said softly, looking at Frank and wishing he was mine.

"How could you be so selfish?" Jake stared at me like I had just announced I ate tiny kittens for breakfast. "That's just, the worst thing you could do. You're really just so selfish, and nasty and full of yourself! The world doesn't revolve around you!"

Jake got to his feet and stormed out the room, sending a hateful look back over his shoulder to me, making me feel about two inches tall.

I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my feet on the chair beneath me. The rough material of my jeans scratched at my cheek as I rested my head on my knees and cried silently to myself. Jake was right, I was selfish and nasty. But I still didn't want Kalli to be here.

But yet again, Jake was right. And I knew that if Frank was awake, he would want Kalli here. But if Frank had been awake it would kind of defeat the purpose of Kalli being here in the first place.

I shook my head at these thoughts and got to my feet shakily, taking deep, gulping breaths of the stale hospital room. It didn't make me feel better so I was still shaking as I exited the hospital. I walked the empty streets trying desperately not to cry. I didn't want to collapse into tears or else I would never be able to stop. I'd cry until I simply shriveled up into nothingness.

I glanced at the street names and realized in shock, I was quite close to school. And I knew Kalli lived near school. I wandered around a bit more meaningfully until I spotted the black jeep that I saw her Dad pick her up in every Tuesday to take her to visit her Grandma. I only knew this from second- or third-hand gossip. Like I'd ever hear anything from Kalli herself.

I hesitated on the driveway, looking up at the huge, posh house in front of me. Everything about it just screamed 'We are better than you! I didn't like it and I wanted to throw up. I felt intimidated.

Eventually, I clenched my fists and forced myself to walk up to the front door and knock, loudly and boldly.

A tall, kind looking woman with curly blond hair answered, a small boy clinging to her leg like a limpet. His hair matched the woman's, and I had no doubt this was Kalli's family.

"Can I help you dear?" The woman asked, smiling at me as she ruffled the boys hair. "Are you one of Kalli's friends?"

All I managed was a small, shocked nod. The woman's smile widened as she leaned against the door jamb, looking relaxed and friendly. Different to the Kalli I knew. Maybe the girl I knew took after her father.

"You want to come in sweetie?" She asked, pivoting so there was room for me to enter. Again, I nodded, and followed her in to the cream color schemed house, filled with leather sofa's and plasma televisions.

"Sit down dear," Kalli's Mom sat down on the creamy sofa and patted the space beside her. I perched warily on the edge and wrung my hands. "She didn't tell you did she?"

"Tell me what?" I forced out, the words feeling like they were ripping at my throat.

"Well," she patted the young boys hair as he curled up beside her, laying his head on her lap. "You know her boyfriend Frank?"

"Yeah, kind of, I suppose," I said in a very quiet voice.

"Well, they did, It, you know. Then a few weeks after he was in hospital, she missed her period. I don't need to explain from there do I?" Kalli's Mom looked down at the youngest boy sadly, sighing softly to herself.

"Um," I lost my power of words. "How...Why... Why...?"

"Why didn't she get rid of it?" Kalli's Mom sent me an unreadable look. "Well, since your her friend you probably know most of the story anyway. But five years ago, when she was twelve, her older sister fell pregnant at nineteen. She'd been trying for a long time for a baby, but then she lost it. For two years Katie tried and tried for a baby, but every time she lost it. Kalli and Katie have always been close, so what hurt one, hurt the other."

I nodded slowly. Everything was slowly falling into place.

"When Katie eventually did manage to get into the safe zone and found out she was expecting two little girls, the Doctor said she had to get rid of them, or else she may be at risk. Katie refused, but her husband, James, insisted. It hurt all of us, knowing Katie couldn't have a baby, and Kalli always gets upset over people who can have children getting rid of them, when her sister is suffering because she wants a baby and she can't have them."

A look of suffering crossed her face and I suddenly understood. Kalli was bitter, hurting inside. She was being fair yet confused, and even though I despised her for making my life a misery, I knew why she was doing it.

"I... I have to g-go," I stuttered, getting to my feet and making my way to the door.

"Wait, before you go, dear, how is Frank? I'll need to tell Kalli," she smiled at me, not able to move since the small boy was now asleep on her lap.

"Where is... where is she?" I hedged the question.

"She's in France with her Grandmother. It was her request. She'll be back in a year or so, I'd say," she smiled, expecting good news, since she, and her family, had a good life. Or so it seemed from the outside, before I had their secrets burdened upon my shoulders.

"H-he's not waking up," I blinked away tears. "They, they're turning off the machine tomorrow."

"Oh dear," she pressed her hand to her mouth.

I never thought I'd think it, but as I left that big, fancy house with the happy, complete family- I didn't envy Kalli one bit.
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