Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


She was sarcastic, quiet and moody. Her blue eyes were tormented and thoughtful. Her face hid many secrets.

She also had the cutest smile. When she smiled, her dimples showed and her eyes lightened and sparkled.

Astrid-Rose was something else, but not everyone agreed. Kalli, the girl who was my lab partner in Biology, thought Rosie was a freak, a weirdo, a l-o-s-e-r.

"I mean, I know you English are all, like, you know, nice and polite and that," she fluttered her eyelashes at me. Stupid bimbo. "But, Astrid is like, ew. I mean, do you know what she does?"

I normally didn't respond to her meaningless gossip, I just nodded and said a few 'yeahs' here and there and she was satisfied. But this time the tone of her voice caught my interest.


"She cuts herself!" Kalli looked triumphant with this piece of news. Well, to me it was a bombshell. I'd known Rosie for nearly a month, and I'd not noticed. "She's such a train wreck!" She laughed and doodled something on the paper we were supposed to be taking notes on.

But my mind wasn't on the lesson about a life-cycle of a freaking flower.
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Sorry it's shorter, idea's :D