Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


I opened my eyes and saw mum, beaming down at me. I didn't bother hiding my cringe at the look on her face. She didn't seem bothered though.

"Oh Frankie!" she cried, throwing her arms around me and crushing my ribs, making me croak. It would have been a yell, but my throat was too dry.

"W-water," I managed to choke out, and immediately mum let go and smiled at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Of course darling," she trilled and literally skipped out the room. I wasn't sure which freaked me out most, the fact that she'd called me 'darling' or the fact she had skipped. I decided not to think about either.

I ran my hand through my hair, which felt greasy, and much longer than I remembered. A twinge of pain ran through my hand and in a reflexive action I yanked it away from myself. I stared at my pained hand, half of it swathed in bandages and my eyes widened slowly as I realized why it looked so weird.

"Mum, where are my other two fingers?" I forced the words out as she entered the room again. She stroked my forehead gently and gave me sips of water through a straw,

"Don't you remember sweetheart?" She asked softly. I shook my head. "You were hit by a car, Frankie. Months ago."

Months ago? I recoiled away in horror. How could it be?

I'd lost part of my life, I realized as tears slipped from my eyes, and I'd never get it back.

I wished I'd never woken up.
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Really short... much stuff to do, been denied Internet for a while,
updates will be coming soon