Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


I had no idea what was going on and nobody had even thought to explain it to me. Like, jeez thank you, loving family. I had so many questions and nobody seemed to be around to answer them. That's all I wanted. Answers and to go home. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently it was, since I was still stuck in the dull hospital room, with my mind buzzing like angry bees.

Where was I, was the most important question. Well, I knew I was in a hospital. In a foreign country, judging from the crazy girls accents and the doctors voices. I couldn't place them though, thinking too much made my head ache.

What had happened in the past... year, was the next one. I couldn't remember moving. I remember mum and dad talking about it, me telling my friends, but the new house, new friends, it was all a blank.

The third question was the one that bothered me the most. Who was the crazy girl from last week? She had seemed so intent on talking to me, I was sure she'd come back. I felt a bit guilty, and I was going to you know, give her a chance, but she didn't return.

"Dad," I broached the subject hesitantly when he arrived.

"Yes, son?" He looked up from his newspaper.

"Who was that girl? The one who knew me and seemed to like me?"

"The blond? That would be Kalli son. Your old girlfriend. Don't know where she went. Don't worry, you'll remember soon," he went back to his paper.

"Not blond," I said thoughtfully.

"Ah, that'd be uh... whats-her-name then. Uh... Rosie, that's it. Sad blue eyes? Cute smile? Dark hair?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's Rosie then."

"Rosie," I tested the name out. It seemed strange, yet familiar. I didn't know any Rosie's. Did I? "Is she my girlfriend?"

"Don't think so son. You never let her."


"She wanted to be though. Came here every single day to see you. Cried and held your hand. Begged you to pull through. She was your first friend here. I'm pretty sure you two went through a lot," he turned a page.

"Oh," I repeated.

"How are you feeling?" The voice of the nurse startled me as she bustled in, plumping my pillows and straightening my blanket.

"Fine thank you," I said quietly.

"No girlfriend today either huh?" The nurse smiled at me kindly. "She must be relieved your better now. She looked so worried. Poor thing."

I nodded and mumbled a vague response. Even the nurse new this, 'Rosie' better than I did. I'd thought she was a phony, but maybe it was I that was the phony? The thought troubled me.

"This may sound dumb," I distracted myself and the others by changing the subject. "But what country is this?"

"Why, it's America, silly," the nurse laughed and left the room again.

"America," I was in a repeating mood. "Huh."

An American girl named Rosie and an English boy named Frank.

Frank and Rosie.

"Dad, when can I go home?" I asked.


"How soon?"

"Next week, I think."

"When are we going back to England?"

"Next month."


I had enough time to sort out this whole mess.
♠ ♠ ♠
No, this is NOT the end, don't worry :-)
I have lots planned for all of you, so don't worry, I shall warn you when it's nearly done!

Love all you subscribers & commenter's <3