Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


It was the day before Rosie was leaving.

I still hadn't seen any sign of Tessa, but Rosie said she was busy as well, and Rosie just wanted to spend time with me. That said time, seemed to go so quickly. Too quickly. I wanted to press Pause and just spend a little more time with her.

"Do you think you're Mom knew I sneaked into your room last night?" Rosie frowned at me, looking worried, as we headed into the town to get some dinner.

"No way," I smiled at her and squeezed her waist. "She'll never know."

"What about tonight?" She bit her lip.

"Couldn't you just go and stay at the hotel with Tessa?" I glanced at her. "I'm sure she won't mind. Will she?"

"She might," Rosie glanced away. "Plus, there's not really enough room for me."


We continued walking until we came to a small, quiet Italian place. It was full of candles and smiling waiters, and thankfully, not too many customers.

"This look okay?" I broke the silence.

"Yeah," Rosie smiled at me and kissed my cheek to break the tension as well.

When we sat down we were smiling at each other. We chatted easily as we shared a lasagna (Rosie's choice) and a pizza (my choice). To other people we were a regular teenage couple on a night out. The sun was setting, casting dazzling light through the wide windows, and I couldn't have felt happier as I insisted I should pay.

We set off for a walk on the beach, full of good food, taking our shoes off so we could feel the sand sift underneath our feet. We walked until we were too tired to go any further. We stood watching the waves lap lazily at the sand, growing closer and closer towards us. I turned to Rosie and held her in my arms. I couldn't believe she'd be gone again tomorrow.

I clutched her closer to me, breathing in her scent. She wriggled in my arms, giggling and kissing my neck, my cheeks, my chest. She tilted her face so she could look into my eyes. Her big blue ones sought out my green ones. She smiled, her perfect white teeth glinting in the moonlight. I lowered my face to hers and kissed her sweetly. Her tiny pouted lips shaped themselves under mine, warm and familiar.

She broke apart the kiss and snuggled into my chest, my chin resting on the top of her head. Her black hair fluttered in the wind and tickled my face. She planted a tiny kiss on my collarbone. I kissed the top of her ear. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands in her back pocket.

We listened to each others heart beats pounding in the silence of the night. She wrapped her fingers in my hair, twisting and turning till she was interlocked tightly to me. She crushed her lips to mine. Fireworks exploded, butterflies soared free, choirs sang, all the good feelings crushed themselves into one kiss. Her tongue ran along my bottom lip and a shiver went down my spine. She slid her fingers down my neck and stroked my stomach, just above my boxers. I stroked her neck, her side, her bum, loving her feminine curves.

We sank to the ground, laying on the soft sand of the holiday beach. It was warm and the sea tickled our bare feet. The moon lit up the area and we lay entwined in each others arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other. I pulled her close and she rested her head on my chest until her breathing started to get deeper and more regular. I stroked her hair and we fell asleep, eventually woken by the sun rising right before our eyes.

She sat up, looking around, then she glanced at her watch.

“Oh no! I’m going to be so late!” She started across the empty beach, then she cut up an alley, pulling on her shoes. “I’ll see you!” She called, her converses making loud slapping noises with every step.

I took off after her, but she’d disappeared into the shadows.

All that was left was her hair bow and a scrap of paper, fluttering in the wind, with only two ironic words.

Run away...
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter to go....
Thanks for all the support everyone :-)