Status: I'm back! And so is my muse! i'll be bringing you brand-new, revised chapters as well as all new ones too. stay tunned for more!

The Innocent Will Never Last

Brother and sister

A scream pierced the air, cut short abruptly. Fleur hid, cowering, behind a large crate. She was deathly pale and shaking. It was the harbor, they were here for one thing: to get back stolen technology from Magneto. In the wrong hands it could kill, not only mutants but others as well.

The whole thing had been an ambush. The stolen technology was only the bait, Magneto was after a bigger prize: the x-men. The others had long since began their own fights with the brotherhood, which strangely left Scarlett and Fleur alone. Almost as if on purpose.

Magneto had fought both girls. Scarlett with her illusion powers and flexible joints, Fleur with her silvery energy. When Fleur had nearly had her face torn apart by a metallic projectile, Scarlett had pushed her aside. Fleur now lay on the gritty cement floor, sobbing silently.

" Scarlett! No! No!", Fleur screamed as Magneto slowly constricted Scarlett with a metal pipe. Scarlett's hazel eyes rolled back in her-

Fleur's eyes shot open. Inches away from her face, her friend, Kurt stared at her.

" Wake up Fleur!,"his eyes shone with concern,"You can't pin this on you. It wasn't your fault."

" Y-yes...i-it w-was," Fleur sobbed into his chest.

" Shh, don't cry Fleur", the blue skinned mutant touched her face with his strange three fingered hand.

Fleur clutched his blue t-shirt, feeling her eyes puffing up. This dream had been haunting her ever since that terrible night in July. Even now, in october, it was still as vivid as ever. Kurt helped her sit up and hugged her in a brotherly way. That's what they were: brother and sister from different parents.

" Logan is an ***, don't pay attention to him. He wasn't even there. You didn't kill her, Magneto did. Scarlett saved you, she wouldn't wan't you going all emo on us over her."

Fleur smiled tentatively, feeling warmth rush into her body. Kurt was her best friend, her protecter. He stood up to Logan for her or gave her his muffin before training. He was the best, only one other occupied the same title: Scarlett.

Kurt's face brightened up," How about a little something to cheer you up?"

" What?", Fleur asked, sniffling. What could it be? Well, Kurt did have a mischevious smile etched on his face...

" Prank Logan?"

Prank Logan? Good luck buddy, she thought.

" I don't know. H-he said that...", Fleur squeaked, her voice way too high pitched for her personal comfort.

" All the more reason!", Kurt's brain began whirling in his mind, the gears shifting.

" I..."

" It'll be fun", Kurt stretched out the last word, trying to persuade her.

" Okay, only 'cause your so annoying", Fleur playfully punched Kurt.

" I try", he shrugged, a smile on his face," Come on Fleur, let's get our... supplies"

Fleur allowed herself to be pulled up from her bed. Kurt kissed her forehead and took her hand. She felt a little better, her cheeks had dried off. Kurt looked at her meaningfully. He was asking for her permission to teleport them. Did she want to do it?, he asked silently.

" Can I?", Fleur put on a silly grin.

" Okay, but I will hold you personally responsible if we land in Bobby's laundrey, again."

He flicked the tip of her nose. Fleur's heart leaped in her chest, making her bite her lips. Not cool, they were just friends nothing more. They couldn't be anyway. This was a dangerous life in today's world. Thoughts like this had been jumping into her thoughts every waking momment they spent together.

" You okay?"

" Me, uh, yeah. Let's go", she squeezed his hand tightly, then allowed an orb to grow in her other hand. Just as before, it grew until it was the right size. Gently, Fleur whispered their destination.

Kurt smiled warmly before they were sucked into the orb. His midnight black hair was slightly tossled by the force of the orb. Fleur shut her eyes to avoid the dizzing headache of transporting two instead of one. She enjoyed the adreniline rush that came from using her powers.

A jolt in her hand told her they had arrived. Fleur opened her green eyes slowly. Damn, they'd landed in the laundry. It was Kurt's room, so it wasn't so bad. She smiled sheepishly, Kurt did say not to land in the laundry.

Fleur could tell tonight was going to be good.

Ah sweet, sweet revenge...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, doesn't anybody want to be in the story? Seriously? *meanies* im updating more that usual. I'm special!

Fact #1 about me: I can't stand coffee, even though I'm from Colombia( coffee capital).

Banner's and pics would be appreciated.

*shakes readers* comment and i update faster.