Why Would We Change a Thing?

New Year

“Happy New Year!” everyone shouted as Sisky popped the champagne and everyone shouted screaming random stuff.

I faintly hear the background music. Everyone was so happy. I still couldn’t believe that I am actually living this way now. I was having so much fun. Just a few months ago, I had a dull life. All I did was work with no play. I am so thankful that I saw Andy again. Without him, I would still be jobless until now. A lot of good things happened this past year and I am grateful for all of it.

“Hey gorgeous” I hear as two long arms coil around my waist.

I smile, realizing that it was Will. He is the greatest thing that happened to me last year. I am so happy that I met him and he is now part of my life.

“I didn’t get my New Year’s kiss” he cooed into my ear.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck and then slowly going up my ear. He pulled me closer to him and gently grazed my ear lobe. I gasp at his sudden show of affection. He held his hands tightly around my waist. I turned around and smiled up to him.

“What do you want Beckett?” I ask playfully

“My kiss” he pouted to me and put his forehead against mine.

He leaned closer until our lips were just centimeters apart. I tiptoed and brought my lips to his. I felt him smile in the kiss as his grip on me tightened and brought me even closer to his body. He deepened the kiss by gently slipping his tongue in my mouth. I moaned softly as I felt his tongue dance around my mouth. It was like we were the only people in this room. We didn’t care because all of these people are our friends anyway.

We were interrupted when someone held my shoulder and pulled me away from Will.

“Guys, no PDA here! We are here to part-ay!!” Sisky screamed at us.

He pulled me to the dance floor and separated me from Will. I give Will a “sorry” look and he just smiled to me and nodded. I didn’t like being away from him because it gives me a strange feeling that something is missing. I guess I just got used to always being with him

I started to have fun dancing because Sisky was being funny by having weird dance moves. I don’t believe the confidence this guy has.

“Cass!” I hear someone call me. I turn around and saw Steph.

Steph is my other best friend aside from Andy. Andy would always assume that he’s my one and only best friend and I constantly have to remind him that Steph was also my best friend. Andy is childish in that way.

“Steph!” I scream at her.

I invited her in this party but she wasn’t sure if she could come so I am really surprised that she actually came.

“You came!” I squeal at her

“Yeahp! Of course! I wanna spend New Year with my friends!

It has been a month now since tour ended and she got a break from his boss so she was able to spend Christmas with her family. We only had contact through calls or email.

“I missed you!” I beam at her as I hugged her tightly

“Me too!” she gushed

“Come, let’s go and talk in a less noisy environment” I tell her as I drag her out the dance floor
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter ONE baby! hahah, so, like I said, I would post after a few days. I finally finished putting the whole plot together in my head so I am ready to actually write everything. :)) I am finished with the first few chapters already so maybe, just maybe, I may update faster now.

It's funny that I have 40+ subscribers now and I still have like, 100+ subscribers in the prequel. Maybe the 40 people are the ones constantly reading this story. haha :))

So, I HOPE that I will get the same amount of comments with the number of my subscribers? CAN I?

