Why Would We Change a Thing?

Tell the whole world about us

He opened the door for me and we both walked towards the entrance.

“You honestly love this?” he asked as he bought two entrance tickets

“Of course! I haven’t been to a place like this ever since I was thirteen!” I said eagerly

“Most of the girls don’t like it” he smiled

“I am different from most girls” I smirk at him and led him to the entrance

“So, where do you want to ride first?” I ask as I look around

“How about you choose ?” he suggested

“Hmm, how about the roller coaster?” I ask him

“Sure” he smiled

We both walked to it then we bumped into a random girl.

“Sorry!’ I apologized

“It’s oka—“ she glanced up then her face lightened up when she saw the person beside me

“Oh my fucking God! William Beckett?!” she jumped

“Uh... yeah” Will smiled to her

“I am a big fan of TAI! Can I have a signature?” she asked eagerly

“Sure” Will flashed her his “fan smile” this is the smile he always gives to all the fans. I noticed it after seeing his several fans encounters. I call it a “fan smile” because he only gives it to the fans. He smiles different around me and his friends. Maybe that smile is just especially for the fans.

“Oh, can I have a picture too?” she asked

“Yeah” he nodded

“I can take it” I volunteered

“Are you sure?” Will asked

“Yeah. Anything for the fans” I smile at him as I take the camera “Smile!”

“Aw, thanks!” the girl said

“Sure” Will said as he automatically held my hand

The girl must have seen it and gave us a confused look

“Is she... uh, sorry for intruding, but is she… your girlfriend?” she asked as she eyed our intertwined hands

I automatically look at Will to know what he was going to say. He smiled and nodded. I glare at him. Did he forget about the whole “I don’t want the press and the fans to know” thing?

“Yes, she is my girlfriend for five months now” he said proudly

“AW, I think you two are cute together. I like her, she’s not like the other blonde girl you always bring around before. I don’t even know if she was your girlfriend, I just see her around you a lot before” the girl said

“Thanks.” Will said

“Okay, I have to go now! Nice meeting you” the girl smiled at me then she walked away

“Ok, what was that about?” I ask him as soon as the girl was gone

“I don’t want to hide it anymore. From now on, I will not deny my love for you. I just can’t do that anymore.” he said kissing my forehead. “I want all of them to know that I love you”

“Will, are you sure about this?” I ask

“Yes I am. I am proud to love you and I don’t care what other people say about it. Now, shall we go and ride the roller coaster or what?” he asked

“Alright then” I say, not being able to hide the blush on my cheeks.

He is not ashamed of loving me. That is so touching
♠ ♠ ♠
aww...How sweet is that?


more comments please?!

I really really hope I get MORE comments! PLEASE?