Why Would We Change a Thing?

What can calm you down?

“So, despite the fact that the roller coaster ride is hard to top, what do you want to do now?” he asked as he slowly turned to me

I was thinking of what ride we can go on next when I saw a cotton candy stand. My eyes widened and I quickly ran to it. I love cotton candies.

“Can I buy one?” I ask the vendor with excitement. I haven’t eaten these things for the longest time

“I’ll buy it” I hear Will’s voice from behind me.

I turned to him and he smiled at me

“I didn’t know you were in love with cotton candies. I should just have become one” he said playfully as he handed the payment to the guy and got the cotton candy. I eyed the cotton candy which was on his hands now. I waited for him to give it to me but all he did was snap it open and grab a big chunk before shoving it in his mouth.

I look at him in shock. I thought he bought that for me?! I glare at him and folded my arms across my chest.

“This is really good, I understand why you like it” he said innocently as he shoved another chunk in his mouth, completely ignoring how my face looked like.

I continue to glare at him

He smiled as he saw my glower

“Okay, okay, geez, calm down. Here.” He said finally handing me the half empty plastic

“You ate the whole freakin pack already William” I said as I took it from him

“I can buy you another one if you become a good girl” he mocked patting my head while I ate the remains of my cotton candy. I felt better as I taste the sweetness of the cotton candy. This is what I call comfort food!

“Yay, you look cooled down already” Will cheered seeing my face soften as I ate

“Cotton candy calms me down. It’s one of the few little things that can” I say happily now

“Really? Would you mind telling me these things?” he asked casually as we both sat on a bench next to each other

“Hmmm, let me see, there are five. The fifth one is orchids. I love orchids. I honestly think roses are overrated. I kinda like them, mind you, but I just love orchids.” I say as I continue eating

“Oh” he nodded and motioned for me to continue. He looked so interested

“Then, the fourth one is cotton candy” I laugh pointing to it

“It’s only the fourth one?” he asked curiously

“Yeahp. Imagine how my number one on the list calms me down. When I see it, I immediately change my mood from terrible to a perfect one” I whisper to him

“Continue” he urged

I smile “The third one is ice cream” I say

“Figures. You love sweet stuff huh?” he commented

“Well, sweet stuff can calm me down and make me feel better” I corrected. “I don’t eat so much sweet stuff everyday. I only eat at times of emergencies” I finished

He nodded and motioned for me to continue again

“Okay, the second is Starbucks” I stated

“Oh, Starbucks!” he exclaimed and clapped his hands together

“Why?” I ask

“That also calms me down” he smiled

“I bet a lot of people can feel better when they drink Starbucks” I giggle

“So, what’s the first one?” he asked excitedly

“Hmm, well, that’s for me to know and for you to find out” I finished and gave him a wicked look

“Oh, that’s unfair! You can’t just built up my curiosity like that then leave me hanging!” he complained

“Sorry, but I didn’t promise that I would reveal all! Anyway, you know the top four already, what else do you want to know?” I ask happily

“I want the top one! That’s the most important one!” he whined

“Nuh-uh, you’re not getting it out of me, sorry” I say, closing my eyes and shaking my head. “You’ll figure it out sooner or later anyway” I smile then open my eyes

He was looking at me intently and he seemed to be in deep thought.

“What?” I ask, curious now

“Nothing” he shook his head then smiled “You want to go around and try some other rides?” he offered

“Okay!’ I say then we both stood up and walked
♠ ♠ ♠
OHH, thanks to all of you who comment! I love all your funny comments! hahah

okay, this story is much of a filler, and i am so sorry about that. I still am very BUSY :/ bear with me please?? For the time being, please please, comment!
