Why Would We Change a Thing?

Lost in a fairytale

“I like fairy’s wheels. It’s a relaxing and refreshing ride” I say as we enter one box

“I only like riding it with someone I love” Will smiled then put his arms around my shoulder.

I smile as I feel myself blushing. He is such a sweet guy. The wheel started turning and I could already feel the soft breeze hit my face.. I shut my eyes as I feel it touch my body. It is so comforting.

“What are you thinking?” Will asked after a few minutes of silence. We were on top already. I think they are still filling in all the boxes.

“Nothing, just feeling the wind” I say softly with my eyes still closed

I suddenly felt his fingers touch my closed eyes. He stroked his finger repeatedly, which -made me open my eyes. I gave him a confused look.

“You look adorable when your eyes are closed. You look like you were dreaming happy dreams. You looked so peaceful” he whispered, still not taking his thumb on my eyes. It was now under my eyes.

I smile to him and put my free hand on the hand that was touching my face.

“You also look cute whenever the wind is ruining you hair, like now” I laugh, and ruffled his hair even more. It was such a mess.

He shyly smiled then tried to fix his messed up hair.

“Oh, look at the view up here” he said excitedly

“I followed where he pointed and saw such a wonderful view of Chicago. It was so breathtaking.”

I sigh then put my head on Will’s shoulders.

“This is so romantic” I mutter

“I made it romantic for you. I know how you love romantic stuff” he chuckled

I made a face to him and smacked his chest a little. After a few minutes of comforting silence, I absentmindedly touched the necklace he gave to me. I know in my heart that I will treasure this necklace forever. It gives me such good memories if today. I smile weakly as I remember all the silly and funny things that happened today.

“You like the necklace?” he asked, maybe seeing me touching it

“Yup, I love it” I smile up to him then put a peck on his lips.

He smiled back and touched his lips to my ears “I love you Cassandra”

I smile at this. He is actually getting fond of telling me he loves me. I like hearing that he does love me for real.

“I love you too William” I whisper back to him

I also like it that I can freely express my love for him by saying it out loud to him. I feel like it completes our relationship.

He chuckled as he slowly kissed my ears then my neck. I close my eyes, just feeling all the kisses he was giving me. It felt really good to have someone kiss me with so much love and passion. I like the feeling it gives me. I have honestly never felt this way in my life. Will just gives me this unique feeling whenever he expresses his love for me. I can’t even start explaining it for no words can be put to describe it. I was cut form my thoughts when I finally feel Will’s lips on mine. I gladly kissed back with the same enthusiasm that he had. This wasn’t just a playful kiss. It felt so sincere and so filled with love. It felt different now compared to when we were just playing around in the roller coaster. It was like he was fully expressing his feelings for me.

We both pulled away and gazed at each others’ eyes. I bit my lip and looked at him through my lashes. He put his forehead against mine and the sighed.

“You know what?” he said, our lips brushing a bit as he spoke

“Hmm?” I say

“You are the most amazing girlfriend I have ever had. You just give e a different feeling that I cannot even understand or explain”

“Likewise William, Likewise” I laugh a little for that was exactly what I was thinking just a few moments ago


He drove me to our apartment and we were both laughing the entire ride. The whole day has been a very tiring yet enjoyable one. He finally pulled over when I noticed that we were in front of my apartment already.

“This is me” I say as I glance at the building

He held my hand “I hope you had fun today”

“Sure did” I smile to him and walked out the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he waved to me before I shut the door

“You’re coming over tomorrow?” I ask and peeked down the car

“Yeah. Why? Don’t you want to see me tomorrow?” he asked with a fake hurt on his voice

“I was just asking. You don’t always hang in our apartment” I say

“Well I wanna hang out there tomorrow” he smiled

“Okay, whatever you want” I say softy as I shut the door

I dragged my feet to our door. I am dying to crash into bed, I am so tired. I opened the door and found Steph watching TV.

“Hey!” she greeted

“Hey there” I smile to her

“And I thought you were kinda mad at me for not going home last night. What happened? You look like you’re in a good mood”

“Well, me and Will went to this carnival and I had fun” I smile to myself as I tell her

“Oh! A carnival! You should have brought me with you!” she whined

“It’s our sixth month” I tell her

“Oh my! Yeah! I forgot about that!” she exclaimed

“Me too. He remembered it for once” I mutter as I take off my jacket

“Aww, he remembered! It’s not everyday that the guy is the one who remembers those stuff.” She cooed

“I am so tired. I’ll just get some sleep ok?” I tell her walking to my room

“Alright, sweet dreams” she teased

I scoffed and closed my door.

After closing the door, I immediately lie on my bed and fell straight to sleep. I did have sweet dreams, with Will all over it.


“Hey! Cass! Wake up! Your boy is here!” I hear Steph’s voice as I struggle to open my eyes. Why does she have the habit of waking me up every morning when I wanted to sleep more?

“Ugh, I am still sleeping Steph” I mutter and then realization came to me. She said my “boy” was here

I sat up quickly “shit’ I growled to myself

“You didn’t have to wake up so fast just because I am here” I hear a familiar voice that made my heart jump

I look up and saw Will walking around my room

“Why are you here so early?” I ask as I try to fix my messed up hair

“Hmm, from what I can see, it is now one in the afternoon, my love” he said with an amused voice

I glance at the clock, not believing what he just said.

“I guess I overslept” I said softly to myself then stood up

“It’s okay to oversleep. I do most of the time” he mused following me to the bathroom

“So, why are you here again?’ I ask him as I brush my teeth

“Nothing. What’s wrong with seeing the only person that completes my day?” he teased pulling me nearer him

“I am bushing my teeth, Will” I said indistinctly through all the bubbles in my mouth

“I don’t care” he whispered, still hugging me

I roll my eyes as he finally let go. I washed my face and my mouth.

“Actually, there is another reason why I am here” he said after a few minutes

“I knew it” I sang as I dried my face

“Well, Sisky’s birthday is coming up, so…”

“So?” I urge him to keep on

“Well, I wanted to ask you for help on how we can make the party nicer and less like a chaos because his birthday last year was such a mess.” He said

“Ohhh” I nodded “So, basically, you’re asking me to help with all the preparations and stuff?” I ask

“Yeah, but if you don—“

“I’d love to!” I say excitedly. “I have never organized a party before. It could be fun!”

“Really? You don’t mind?”

“Of course not! It’s for Sisky!” I say as I fix my bed

“That’s great!”

“I don’t know what kind of party this is though. Is it like one of those parties you guys always attended?” I inquire. I may not be too good on setting up something like that.

“Nope, this is exclusively for the family and close friends.” He said as I sat down on the bed I just fixed

“Okay then because I don’t think I can set up a wild party” I laughed

“Thanks for helping with this. Me and the guys would really need a girl’s hand and mind on doing this” he smiled to me as he sat beside me

“Anything for my good friends”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, I think this update was waaay too long :)) This is to make up for the kinda short update last time!

THANKS for all the support guys! I needed it. ILY!


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