Why Would We Change a Thing?


Steph’s P.O.V

“Hello?” I answer my phone as it was ringing for quite some time now.

I have bad hearing capabilities, I swear.

“Hey, it’s Michael” I hear on the other end

“Oh, hey!” I said rather happier now

I mean, Michael gives me a different vibe. He is such a nice guy that I even feel comfortable with him despite the fact that I can be a rebound with his getting busted by Cass. I don’t care because I like spending time with him and he seems sincere about liking me.

Anyway, he didn’t immediately jump into a relationship with me. He got sometime to get over Cass that’s why he didn’t want to be with me when they were still on tour because he still liked Cass at that time and if he asks me to be his girlfriend at that time, he might just unconsciously hurt me or use me. I really admired him for that because that just means he wants a real and true relationship.

He is not any other guy who needs to have sex with another girl after getting his heart broken. He is a mature guy. I can imagine how me and Michael’s relationship would be if we immediately got together. I am sure I’ll really be a rebound.

We are just kinda new actually. We just got together, a few days after Christmas which was the twenty seventh. We’re not even a month yet but I really love the happiness he brings to me.

“So, uh… well, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today?” he asked

“Sure! Where would you want to hang out?” I ask gladly

“Anywhere’s fine. I just want to spend more time with you and get to know you more” he answered

“Okay. How about a movie here at my place?” I suggested

“Anywhere you want is alright with me” he chuckled

“Just go to my apartment and let’s have a movie marathon!”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a few” I could see him smiling now

We both hung up and I was smiling so wide.

“Am I just crazy or are you smiling by yourself?” I hear Cass say as he and Will exit her room hand in hand

“Weeeell, Michael is coming over, so you guys need to go out of this place immediately” I sang as I fixed up a little

“Oh, really?” Will asked

“Yup, so shoo.” I say making a “go away” motion to them

“Aw, but where would we go?” Cass said and plopped down on the couch

“Come on, Cass, you can hang in Will’s place or something, just not here OK?” I plead

“Fine, but I may have surveillance cameras around here so don’t try anything silly” she said proudly

I froze “What?”

“Just joking” she laughed as she saw my reaction

William, of course laughed. They are so in love with each other, it’s so obvious. I kinda envy their relationship because they look so happy and contented with each other. I am happy that Cass finally found her what I can call “soul mate” in life. They are meant for each other. Its different how Will looks at Cass and how Cass behaves herself around him.

I wish me and Michael will someday be like that.


Cass's P.O.V
“So, where would Sisky’s party be?” I ask Will as we both sit on his couch.

We had to without delay leave my apartment because Steph wanted some alone time with Michael.

“Hmm, I think he wants it to be held in his family’s house. You know, after all the touring, he wants to be close to home as much as possible” Will responded and handed me a glass of water

“Okay, that’s really sweet of Sisky” I smile

“Sisky may be crazy at times but he really has a heart for his family, specifically his parents” he continued flicking the TV open.

“When would we plan this party?” I ask him before putting my arms around him

“Hmm, maybe soon, but not today” he smirked while he put his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. He kissed the top of my head and drew circles over my shoulders.

“I love your place, it’s so peaceful here” I mumble to him

“Really? Well, I like keeping it tranquil around here. I don’t want too much noise, I’ve had enough of that on tour” he chuckled

I liked times like these wherein we just cuddle on the sofa, not worrying about anything and just enjoying each others’ company.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked

“Just taking in this moment in which we just spend time together for the sake of it.” I answer softly

“Are you bored?” he asked with worry

“Oh, no, I love it. It’s nice that we have times like this when we just don’t talk and feel each others’ presence” I clarified

He sighed “You are really a different girl”


“Usually, girls would get bored just sitting around the couch and watching weird TV” he laughed

“Oh, why oh why would I get bored when I am with you?” I mocked

He scoffed “You are getting a little flirtatious yourself Cass”

I giggled and cuddled closer to him. I like being close to him and just hugging. Of course, our moment just had to be ruined by the door banging.

“Who the hell is that?” Will muttered with irritation

“Go answer it” I say as I pull away from him

“They just had to ruin our little moment” he whispered than stood up before putting a small peck on my lips

I smile as I watch him grudgingly walk to the door to open it. The banging became louder.

“God, can’t you please wait?” Will said, with annoyance again

As expected, the boys were the people banging. By boys, I mean Mike Sisky and Andy.

“Hey Bilvy!” they all yelled as Will opened the door

They all marched in the living room with drinks on their hands.

“Drink night tonight man!” Andy said

I bet they still haven’t noticed that I am in the living room

“Michael’s with Steph so we decided to crash in your—“Mike stopped mid sentence when he finally noticed me for he was the first person who stepped in the living room. I smiled and gave him a small wave

“Shit, you’re also with your girl?” Sisky said a little too loud as he entered the second

“Yeah, I was going to say it but all of you just marched in” Will said blankly

“Oh, why do you and Michael have to have girls? Where did our brotherhood go? We don’t even drink together anymore\” Sisky whined

“Sisky, you are so dramatic” I roll my eyes at him

“It’s true!” he said as he sat beside me

“I can drink with you” I suggested

“It’s not gonna be a guy night anymore” Mike said matter of factly

“Come on guys Cass is our friend anyway” Andy said

“She’s still a girl” Mike pointed out

“Guys don’t gang up on my girlfriend please. Besides, she was here first” Will told them as he stepped into the room

“It’s not that we don’t like you Cass, in fact we love you, but sometimes, we just need to hang out, like us boys, you know, with no girls or girlfriends” Sisky said

“Fine, I’ll go” I mumble and stood up

“Hey, don’t go” Will said grabbing my arm

“I have to go. It’s okay. spend time with your friends. They really miss you, I mean look at them” I say with a teasing voice

“But… I don’t want to…”

“No buts Beckett. Have fun alright?” I patted his chest as I walk out the living room

He ran after me “But where will you go? Your apartment is—“

“They had enough time to themselves already. I have to go back sooner or later” I smile to him

“Do you have to go?” he said with puppy dog eyes

“Yup. Call me tomorrow okay?” I kissed his cheek and opened the door

“Damn, why do they have to visit now” he mumbled as I go out

“Have some guy time OK?” I tell him and then closed the door
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm, watcha think? THANKS for all the supporters/commenters! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Watch out for DRAMA soon! (:


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AND... yeah, I just posted a one shot requested by wanted you, I hope you guys find time to read it and comment on it!!

We've been around on the other side of innocence