Why Would We Change a Thing?

Dirty Kitchen

“What are you looking for anyway?” I whine to Steph

This is one thing I don’t like about shopping with Steph. She never seems to find the right thing she wanted to buy. We have been going around for three hours already and all she got is a rough sketch of an outfit she wanted to buy.

“I just haven’t seen the right one you know? I am definitely gonna know when I see it”

“What if you never see it?” I challenged

“I will see it! I have to!” she said with a determined voice

“Whatever” I roll my eyes

I mean, I already have my own outfit and she still doesn’t have one. I swear, she takes forever to choose. She never gets contented. I decided to just sit on a random chair in the store she is raiding now. The poor sales lady is convincing her to buy the dress Steph has been examining for the past twenty minutes. I couldn’t sway her to buy that myself, what more the sales lady? I sigh as I wait for Steph. I love shopping but at times like this, I just want to give up and walk out.

“Hey what about this?” Steph danced in front of me, wearing a black dress

“That’s nice” I say

“You said that already with the other dress!”

“Because all of it looks nice on you! I don’t know why you are taking so long. Just buy one and let’s get it over with.” I sternly tell her

“I don’t know Cass. I don’t even know how you were able to choose the thing you’re wearing so fast.” She said as she entered the dressing room probably to try on another dress

“It’s easy if you are not so choosy. Here, let me help you OK?” I stood up and dug into the pile she had in the dressing room

I looked for a good color that can match her eyes and her black hair.

“Hmm, what about this?” I hold out a simple yellow short halter

“It might just be fine with me” she said scanning the entire garment

“Ugh, just try it on OK? I’ll look for nice shoes to go with it” I commanded then pushed her into the dressing room

I walk around and say nice and simple black heels.

“Aha, this will be perfect” I whisper to myself

I don’t even know why she wants to wear a dress while the party is just a garden party. I am not even wearing anything special. Maybe she wants to look pretty for Michael. Love can seriously make other people so conscious about their looks.

Just as I go back, Steph exits the dressing room and gives me a small twirl

“I like it Cass! You’re a genius!” she exclaimed

I shrugged and handed her the shoes I found

“Try this on. You’ll love it even more”

After wearing the shoes she stood up and she indeed looked nice. I am sure Michael would love it.

“What do you think?” she asked

“That’s the best outfit you have ever tried so far”

“I’ll take it!” she squealed

I almost screamed and jumped with joy but of course, I have breeding so I didn’t do that. Instead, I just sighed with relief and gave her an approving smile.

We finally finished and we are now eating dinner somewhere in the mall.

“I cannot believe you didn’t really take time looking for your dress. I mean, don’t you want to look nice for Will?” she asked

“Well, first of all, he has to accept me for me and not what I look like. And, second, I think the shirt I picked was nice enough. I don’t have to go in every store in the mall to be satisfied” I say sarcastically to her

“I am just not as good in picking the right clothes like you. I mean, hello, you were the one who picked my dress and shoes. You have good taste. Maybe that’s why you don’t take much time. You know just the right thing to get a hold of”

“I just know what I want” I correct her

“You have to be my shopping buddy! You can always help me in picking clothes!” she squealed

I smiled and nodded even if at the back of my head I really didn’t even want to go to another shopping spree with her. I have a feeling it will take the whole freaking day. This is one of the draw backs with Steph but I’d gladly take it because she is my best friend and I accept that vice of hers as she accepts my own vices.

Me and the guys finally had a meeting about the party and it is indeed a garden party with all Sisky’s family and close friends. It was honestly hard to negotiate with what the guys wanted because they wanted so much alcohol and stuff that can make the party unfriendly. I mean, I had to totally kill that because Sisky’s family would be there and we wouldn’t want trashed men partying like animals in that party.

I was able to thankfully convince them to forget about that and we were able to make a compromise. We agreed that there will be alcohol but of course there should be some food as well. The alcohol should also be limited. They have to learn to take in other kinds of drinks aside from alcoholic drinks.


We are now headed to Sisky’s house to help his parents in setting it all up. Actually, I was the only one helping in setting up because the boys have some meeting with their manager early today. I think they are talking about the next album already next to Santi.

“Okay, I’ll have to go back now. Me and the others will be back in two hours” Will smiled to me as I open the door

“Sure. Go back anytime you want”

“I’ll see you OK? And thanks for helping”

“Anything for my friends”

With that, I exited the car and entered the Sisky’s house

“Oh hello, dear!” Sisky’s mom greeted me.

We started with the decorations and then the food. I decided to contribute with food. I am cooking pasta since Will said it tasted great when I cooked for him once. He looked honest and sincere about it so I guess it was really good. After only a few hours, we were good as done already except for the sauce of my pasta. I still have to put that all together.

“Cass, would you want any help with that?” Sisky’s mom asked

“Oh, no I am good. You can go and prepare for later already” I smile to her

“Okay then. Thanks for helping honey. I think you can be a good homemaker already. William would really be a lucky man indeed.” She mused

I almost dropped the knife I was holding. That was the first time anyone ever told me that. Do I really make a good homemaker? I never thought of that because marriage is not something that ever entered my mind yet. At least not for now.

“Oh, thanks. I always try my best” I manage to smile to her

Thank god she exited the room and didn’t go any further with that topic. I continued preparing the ingredients when I hear a car engine outside the window and sure enough I hear the guys laughing. It’s just eight. They are kinda early and thank god I was almost done with the sauce. I just need to wait for it to boil before turning the stove off. I sigh as I mix the sauce. I hope this taste well or else I am going to be embarrassed big time.

I jumped a little as I feel someone’s arms go around my waist. I immediately turned around and saw Will smiling down to me.

“Hey there. That smells good” he whispered

“You startled me again” I tell him as I continue mixing

“Aw, sorry about that— hey, can I try some?” he asked

“Nope, wait until later” I say

“Just a little? Please?” he asked and pouted again

“Ugh, fine, here” I put some sauce in a spoon and put it in his mouth

“Oh, hot, hot” he jumped around and tried to swallow it

“I told you to wait” I laugh

“It’s good! Even if I didn’t really taste it that much because I had to swallow fast” he smiled


“Yeah! I love your pasta” he winked and put a light kiss on my cheek

“Aw, how sweet! But please, refrain from kissing in the kitchen. We wouldn’t want anything inedible to contaminate the food” Sisky said as he entered the kitchen

“I’ll let that pass because it’s your birthday” I say with a calm voice

Will laughed and kissed my temple

“Oh yeah, Cass, thanks for helping out. I really appreciate it” Sisky suddenly said.

“Whoa there. Are you seriously thanking me for this? I am surprised Adam!” I exclaim with fake shock on my voice

“Oh, come on Cass! Really, thanks! Bill is lucky he has you. Both of you are meant for each other. I have never seen Will so happy with a girl ever” he said

I blush a little for I didn’t know what to say about that

“Okay, Sisky, you can exit the kitchen now” Will chuckled.

Looks like he was blushing as well

“Fine, you just want to be alone with her so—“

Will pushed him out before he could even finish.

“Sisky will be Sisky” he mumbled as he coiled his arms around my waist

“How was the meeting?”

“Oh, there are plans about the next record. I hope it all goes well so we can start talking about the songs we would include in the album and stuff.” He answered

“You excited?” I asked

“Hmm, yeah of course. I am excited to tour again and go around town to play for the fans. I love playing live” he smiled

There goes his “fan” smile again. Whenever he talks about their music, the fans and the shows, he always wears that smile. I actually like it because it shows his love and passion for what he is doing.

“You have new songs on your mind already?”

“Yeah. I actually wrote a bunch of songs during tour and I am excited to go through them again, hopefully you can help me choose the good ones. Can you?” he asked

I turn to him “Really? You want my opinion?” I ask with obvious shock

“Yeah sure. You are my girlfriend. Your opinion is big for me”

“Wow, okay then.” I can’t help but feel so touched. He really is serious about me being in his life. Now I am sure that I am not just a fling. I might just be the real thing, I hope.
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WATCH OUT for the next update ;) I have a surprise!!!

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