Why Would We Change a Thing?

Damn Girl

The party started and we are having so much fun. Of course there people that I never knew before but there are also old ones like the people who tour with the band. It was quite a big one because there are a handful of people. To think Sisky said it would just be a small party. This is small for him I guess. I can’t imagine what a big party was for him

“Sisky has a lot of close friends huh?”

“Yeah. Most are high school friends who he doesn’t talk with much anymore. This is some kind of reunion actually” Will said

“Oh” I mouthed

“There are a few people you know anyway right?”

“Yeah, like Tony and all the other guitar techs” I mumble

“Oh, its okay, I am here to keep you company” Will smiled beside me

“You have a piñata?” I ask surprised as I see Sisky bringing out a huge one out

“He must have gambled it in” he chuckled

“You guys are such kids, I swear” I say rolling my eyes

“Guys! Who wants to hit first? And, Will, you can’t hit first! You always hit it and then the others never get their turn anymore” Sisky warned as Will raised his hand

“You asked for a volunteer!”

“Except for you! You can be the last”

I laugh “I guess all the baseball helps?”

“Yeah, it does.” He smiled as we both watch Mike try to hit the huge piñata.

“That is so hilarious.” I laugh as Mike almost tripped still trying his best

“You must give him credit for trying though. He actually has good aiming despite the blind fold”

“Aww you are such a good—“

“Oh, hey William!” someone suddenly said behind us

Will obviously froze when he heard this person. I elbowed him so he would snap out of it and then I turned around to see who it was. It was a blonde girl. Who is she? Will turned around after a few seconds of me wondering who she was then it all suddenly came to me. Blonde, pretty, caused Will to freeze and most especially, definitely hotter compared to me.

“Hey Nicole” Will greeted

Now it was my turn to freeze and become speechless. Why was she here? Was she invited? Okay, I need to calm down.

“Long time no see huh?” she smiled flirtatiously

What the hell, I am hating her by the second.

“Uh, yeah.”

“And who is this?’ she asked with a fake voice

“This is Cass, my girlfriend” Will said

She looked at me with no trace of shock. I bet she knew, she just wanted to make sure. I could have sworn I saw her look at me from head to toe. Of course, only I noticed it because those are just stuff girls tend to notice.

“Oh, new girlfriend huh?”

Will put his hand around my waist and nodded

“I am Nicole by the way. I am sure you’ve heard of me” she smiled and offered her hand to me

I shook it out of respect but I truly didn’t want to touch her. She looks like a plastic girl, to be honest.

“So… what brings you here?” Will cut the tension

“Oh, right, you remember Clayton? Well, he was invited and I was like, hey, why not come with him” she said with glee

“Oh. That’s nice of him to invite you” Will responded

“Actually, I asked him if it would be fine for me to come with him and he agreed, so now I am here”

I tried my best not to laugh. She is so thick, I swear. I don’t even understand how Will fell for her. I thought he had higher standards. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d gladly meet Will’s ex-girlfriends and totally have nothing against them but this girl is different in a bad way. I am sure his other ex’s are much nicer compared to her.

“I am sorry, I… I have to go back inside now. I just… need to uh, check the food” I say, not wanting to stay there for another minute.

It’s just too awkward. Besides, I have nothing to say to her. I definitely don’t want to bond with Will’s ex-girlfriend. Will immediately tightened his grip around my waist, maybe questioning why I had to go. I smiled up to him and unclasped his hands around my waist. He looked at me with a confused and pleading face now.

‘I’ll be back in a few” I smile again and quickly walked away.

I have a feeling Nicole will be bad news.

No, scratch that, she is bad news.
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OOpsie.. there's a problem right there. Whatcha guys think??

TEN comments then I update :p Come on guys... you can do that!