Why Would We Change a Thing?

Sex Talk

“What’s up? You gotta eat. Everyone’s eating already” I hear Will say behind me, taking the plates on my hands

“Does everyone have plates already?” I ask

“Let me take those” he smiled and handed me one plate “There, that’s yours OK? Don’t give it to anyone. Now, all you have to do is go to the buffet table and get some food to eat” he said

I smile “Fine, boss” I say sarcastically

“Yes, of course, I am your boss. You have to follow me, and I command you to stop telling people to eat and start eating yourself”

“Fine” I pouted and walked to the buffet table

I start getting some food and scanned the place for a good place to sit. Sisky waved at me and motioned me to an empty seat on their table. I smiled and walked to them

“Hey there, Ms. Goody” Steph mocked as I take my seat

“What do you mean?” I ask

“What’s with all the Oh, don’t even dare to do anything immature?” she teased

“Don’t forget the don’t hurt her line” Michael added

I roll my eyes “I just don’t wanna cause chaos in your Party Sisky”

“I wouldn’t mind a riot going on actually. It would make this party more interesting”

“I don’t think your parents or family would like that idea.” I counter

“Whatever, it’s my party and I do what I want to” he said like a child

I sigh and started eating my food. I am actually quite hungry, I just realized now. I was starting to get comfortable on my seat when Nicole sat right across from me, smack in front of me, if I say specifically. The whole table literally just stared at her.

“Hi! Mind if I sit here?” she asked happily like she didn’t notice all the stares being thrown to her

I honestly feel bad for her. I bet she is hurting inside. Why are they so mean to her? Why can’t they treat her civilly?

“Uh, yeah sure” I responded since no one was answering her for they are too busy staring.

I elbowed Sisky who is beside me. Thankfully, he snapped out of it and continued eating. Just a few minutes after that awkward moment, Will sat down beside me and gave me a confused look when he saw Nicole sitting on our table, right in front of us.

“She just sat there man” I hear Michael whisper to him

“I suggest we do the plan” Sisky said softly to Michael

“Guys, don’t be rude OK? Whispering on the table is rude. And you promised me, don’t even dare” I tell them

“Sorry mommy” Sisky said

Michael just laughed softly then turned his attention back to Steph

“What promise?” Will asked

“Hmm, I made them promise not to do anything that’ll damage Nicole’s mentality or her dignity to be exact”

“They are planning something against her huh?”

“Yup, thank god I made them stop before they could do anything”

“You are such an angel Cass” Will whispered to my ear and softly put a peck on my cheek. I blushed bright red. He never kisses me in front of other people.

“Have you tired my pasta?” I ask to him changing the subject

“Yup, it’s amazing” he smiled

“Yeah, Cass, your pasta is the best” Sisky with a loud voice which made me blush again since the whole table must have heard him

“Oh, you cooked the pasta?” Nicole asked

“Uh, yeah” I smile to her

“It’s okay.” She said with a hint of sarcasm

“Actually, it tastes unique from others. I like it” Sisky’s friend, whom I am yet to meet, said

“Thanks” I say

“I think generally, everyone loves it Cass, good job!” Sisky grinned to me

“Stop putting me on the spot!” I hiss to him

“But it’s true!” he said “Fine, I know you don’t like being acknowledged or being put in the lime light even if you deserve it” and then he talked about another topic

“I love your pasta, if that matters” Will said softly

“That’s the only opinion that matters to me” I say to him

I was finished eating in no time and everyone on the table is chitchatting.

“You want something sweet? I’ll get you some ice cream” Will told me

“Nah, I am kinda full already”

“Oh, come on, let’s just share?” he suggested

“Fine, but you’ll eat most of it”

“Anything for my lady” he smirked and stood up

“So, if you don’t mind, how long have you been William’s girlfriend?” Nicole suddenly asked me

“Uh… well, we’ve been together for six months already” I mumble

I honestly didn’t like discussing my love life in front of a crowd.

“Just six months? Oh, you have yet to discover so many things about Will.” she said proudly

I just look at her, not wanting to say anything anymore. I wouldn’t want to start a fight.

“Like what?’ Sisky asked her in an audacious voice

“Well, like how he likes his coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and just a little milk which you need to be able to master because he is meticulous with that. He likes it perfect” she said “I would always make his coffee every morning”

“I didn’t know that” I mumble

“Being his girlfriend for two years makes me an expert about William Beckett.” She stated

I actually don’t know much about him yet. I didn’t even know how he liked his coffee! I am such a bad girlfriend. I don’t even know Will that much.

“I am sure Cass here knows other significant things about Bill as well” Michael answered for me

“Like what?” she said with the same tone as Sisky said to her

“Uh… well, I know—“she cut me even before I could even finish

“Oh, did you know that he loves that movie, a nightmare before Christmas? We watched that a million times already and he never gets tired of it. I was literally choking on that movie whenever he would invite me to watch it again” she laughed

I was gonna say that, and turn out, she knew that too. Wow, I am so useless. I feel so small now. Maybe I don’t even deserve to be his girlfriend.

“Oh, yeah, did you know that he has a little of that sickness, you know, Obsessive Compulsive? That’s why his place is so neat. He always wants the place to be clean and spotless. I like that about him. I mean, how many guys do you meet who has a decent place? You know, with no messed up living rooms and no clothes all over the floor” she laughed again

All I could do was stare. She is so taking over the conversation. No, scratch that, she is totally dominating over me. What is she trying to say? Is she trying to show these people that I didn’t even know my boyfriend? That I am a worthless girlfriend? That me and Will won’t last as long as they lasted? I feel like shit now. Am I supposed to get mad at her for outwardly humiliating me or should I be ashamed of myself? I am so speechless.

Sisky and Mike exchanged glares at Nicole. I feel like I want to cry.

“I think Will and Cass just need to take their time and get to know each other more. They have all the time in the world since Will is so in love with Cass here. They are seriously inseparable. I bet Cass will know every inch of Will if they are given enough time. I mean, Cass, didn’t Will give that gorgeous necklace to you as a sixth month anniversary gift? That was sweet of him right?” Steph suddenly said

I wanted to hug her to death as soon as she finished. I gave her a weak smile and nodded, holding on the necklace.

“He gave you that?” Nicole asked

“Yes. He gave it to me when we celebrated our sixth month”

“Oh, you celebrate monthsaries?” she asked with a flat voice


“Wow. That’s cool, I guess. We never celebrated our monthsaries. We celebrate every year”

Whooo, yes a get back to her. Thank god I am not as bad as I thought I was.

“Anyway, I just have to warn you though, William gets wild in bed. I mean, he never runs out of energy, to be honest. He is always so dead in the morning that’s why I always had to mix coffee for him” she laughed

I instantly felt so bad after hearing this. What the heck is her problem? I am trying to be nice here and then she brings out the sex card. I mean, how should I fucking know how William is in bed when we never had sex yet? I felt so sick like I had to vomit all the food I just ate. This girl is different and I just couldn’t stretch my patience anymore. I have to get out of here, before I barf on her face.

Steph looked at me right away as soon as Nicole said this. She knew that me and Will never had sex yet. Maybe she wanted to give me a reassuring smile that she would “save” me again but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

“I think that is an inappropriate thing to –“ Steph started but I couldn’t take it anymore

“Sorry, I suddenly feel bad. I—I’ll just go to the bathroom” I say as I stand up

“Cass” I hear Sisky and the others say at the same time

I cannot face them just yet. I don’t want to cry in front of them. As soon as I stood up, I bumped into Will.

“Hey, I have the ice crea—are you okay?” he asked seeing my troubled face

“Yea—yeah” I lie as I walked away from the cursed table
♠ ♠ ♠
I would kill her if she did that to me :/ how about you?

Based on all your suggestions, I filtered everything and selected the most repeated ones.

Here they are:

The Maine- 6
Boys Like Girls- 4
We The Kings- 3
Mayday Parade- 5

And for those who already chose in my Elliot, Alex andRyan story, no need to vote again:)) Oh! And plaease only choose ONE

Now… I want all of you to choose among these four bands. I mean, I am okay with any band on the list. I just want your opinion since you are the ones who would be reading it right? :P The selection process will be done in a democratic kinda way so the band that gets the most votes will be the one chosen for the story. This is your chance to tell me what band you want me to write about.

DEADLINE: November 2
