Why Would We Change a Thing?

Hold Your Scripted Tongue

We both go out hand in hand. Everything looked normal. Seems like all the guys did a good job at hiding what just happened. I flinched a little as I saw Nicole talking to other people in the party. She’s acting like nothing happened. To be honest, she is a good pretender.

“I think I should just distance myself from her to avoid anything bad to happen” I whisper to Will while we both walk

“Okay. I’ll stay with you” he said

“You can’t stick with me the whole time. They might think I am clinging on you”

“Correction. I am the one who’s clinging on you”

I laugh at this

“I can’t leave you as bait for Nicole Cass. I bet as soon as I walk away, she’ll attack you with her harsh antics again”

“Fine do whatever you want” I tell him

I sat on a bench under a tree. He followed me then sat beside me. We quietly sat there and watched all the people do their business. I hear Will sigh silently.

“You bored yet?” I ask him, still looking at those people

“Nope. This is kinda fun, you know, watching people. I have never done this before. I never realized that Sisky has this habit of scratching his arm several times. He scratched like, ten times now”

I giggled

“I didn’t notice that. Yeah, it’s fun just to watch real people go about with what they are doing once in a while. It’s like free TV except it’s the real thing. There’s no script. You never know what might happen”

“Yeah-“ Will was cut by a familiar high pitched voice

“Oh my, hello William” I can’t help but sigh while I see Nicole throw herself to my boyfriend.

I usually don’t mind people being too touchy with Will especially with the fans. I am kinda used to it already but this girl just has something with her. Something that makes me uncomfortable whenever she’s around my Will. I feel like she has a plan on taking William away from me or something. I just have this negative feeling about her like she is ready to do anything without giving consideration to other people’s feelings. She is one of those people that I am kinda scared of. They are the snaky and traitor-like people.

They are the scariest kind of people, honestly.

“Hey” William said obviously shocked with her physical contact

“What are you guys doing here? Isn’t it boring here?” she asked and sat beside Will

“Nah, not really. Besides, Cass is here and that makes it more fun” Will smiled to me

“So, I never thought that you’d be really successful in what you do. You sure proved it to me”

“Uh, yeah I guess” Will said

“What? You forgot about your promise to me? You promised that you’d prove to me that you’ll be successful in life and when you are, you might just take me back” Nicole shamelessly said in front of me

William laughed. What the hell. How could he laugh at a time like this? His ex girlfriend just said that he promised he’d get back with her as soon as he became a successful musician. Where does that put me? I gave him a confused look.

“Sorry” Will told me seeing my face

“It’s just… that was so long ago Nicole. I can’t believe you still remember it. I don’t even remember it myself and I was the one who made the promise” Will let out, trying to suppress a laugh

“Well, too bad though, because you lose your chance now since you have a girlfriend already” Nicole said in a voice full of pity

What? Is she trying to say that Will is so pitiable for having I as a girlfriend instead of her? That it could have been better if I wasn’t the girlfriend so they can both have their happy ending? Is she trying to tell to my face that I was a barrier for the two of them? She surely had the guts to say that in front of me. Does she think that I can never fight back?

She is a real bitch and that was the last straw.

“That’s just too bad that Will forgot that promise. Maybe it didn’t really matter that much to him or perhaps he completely forgot about you already” I snapped and looked straight to her face

She made a surprised face and scoffed.

“Wow, now you’re talking back? What? Did you suddenly get horns while you were in the bathroom, crying your eyes out or something?” She snapped back

We are both standing now, glaring at each other.

“Nicole, just stop it” I hear William say standing up between the two of us

“No Will, look what the person you call girlfriend just told me” Nicole told Will

I fake laughed

“Oh, now you have the guts to actually say that? Who has been trying to sabotage my presence here as soon as she stepped in? Well sorry because I am not going anywhere and you can’t make me. I can’t believe I tried being nice to you.” I ridicule

“Oh, you’re being nice now huh? That’s a really unique way of being “nice”” she rolled her eyes

“Don’t you roll your eyes on me. And, don’t even dare trying to humiliate me in front of my friends. I mean, who in her right mind talks about sex while eating. You must be some desperate girl” I spit back to her

I heard Will chuckle a little as I finished saying this.

“Oh, Will, now you’re laughing? Your bitch just made fun of me!” Nicole whined

“It was funny—what did you just call Cassie?” Will suddenly asked seriously

“She is a bitch” Nicole looked me up and down

“She’s not a--“ Will started but I cut him off

“Well, I might be a bitch but at least I am not as low as you. Everyone can be a bitch at times but not everyone can act like a slut in front of so much people. I praise you for that”
I said back

After saying this, I hear more people laughing, not just Will. I look around and saw that the guests were all watching us, including Sisky and his family. I blushed a little. Oh my. I just ruined everything. Sisky’s family must hate me now.

“Go Cass!” Sisky yelled in the crowd

“Yeah honey, take her down” I unexpectedly heard Sisky’s mom shout out

That’s quite a relief for me. At least no one is mad at me for ruining Sisky’s party. I looked at them kinda confused of their reaction.

“I have to get out of here before this gets more out of hand” I whispered to Will then pushed my way out of the crowded area.

I looked for Sisky and her mom.

“I am so sorry for what just happened back there” I apologized to SIsky and her mom

“Aw, honey that’s alright. I don’t like that girl anyway. I am surprised that Will actually became her boyfriend” Sisky’s mom said

“It made this party more fun. I wouldn’t mind some action in here” Sisky laughed

“I’ll be going now. I don’t want to cause any more trouble” I giggled and hugged them both “Happy birthday Adam” I told Sisky and then tried to find my way out of the crowded place

I finally got out and then started walking away from the house. I need to calm down. I slowly walked away, trying to make myself feel better. That girl is the worst person I have ever encountered in my life. She has no care of my feelings whatsoever. I was cut from my thoughts when someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. I sighed when I saw it was Will.

“I am so terribly sorry for that” he apologized looking straight to my eyes

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault anyway” I laughed “I just need to cool down I guess. I needed to get away from there”

“I’ll come with you” he smiles and then took my hand

“I was just planning to get a cab and go home actually” I said

“Let’s do that then” he said
♠ ♠ ♠
OH MYYYY.. I am so terribly sorry guys. I was away these pass four or five days. I am sorry for not warning you. :/ Anyway, I will make it up to you. Imma update my Elliot story as well! YAY! hahha. Wait up for it kay??

While waiting, please comment!
