Why Would We Change a Thing?

Right Here, The Best Days Of Our Lives.

Me and Will stayed at my place until morning. He just hung around until it was too late for him to actually go home anymore. He made me feel better… way better. Even though that girl hurt me and criticized me without knowing me, at least I still have Will beside me. He is enough to make up with whatever that girl caused me.

I groan and turned around the bed when the ringing phone woke me up. I need more sleep. I don’t even know what time I and Will slept. It was like a sleepover with my friends except Will isn’t just my friend. I grabbed the phone still with my eyes shut.

“Hello?” I said

“Hey, so how are you?” I hear Steph in the other line

“Oh my Steph, can I sleep first?” I whine

“Girl, it’s two in the afternoon. Why do you sound like you didn’t get any slee- oh my, did you get some sleep last night?”

I can imagine Steph’s face right now. I rolled my eyes

“Stop thinking of dirty things alright? We talked the whole time. It felt like a sleepover with a friend actually. It’s kinda weird”

“Aw... Will is so sweet. He even ditched the after party just to go with you!” she cooed

“There was an after party?”

“Yup. The guys were planning it. They surprised Sisky and brought him in a club and partied till the crack of dawn. I am still drunk myself” she laughed

“O-kay. Maybe you are the one who needs sleep” I mumbled

“Yeah, I think. Well, talk to you later then” she said then immediately hung up

I sighed and put down the phone. I lied back on the bed and I felt Will’s hands crawl up my waist

“Who was that?” he sleepily whispered to me

“Steph. She’s asking how I am” I answered, quite awake. Now I have to make myself go back to a sleepy mood again.

“You are okay now right?” he asked, pulling me to him

“Yeah. I am. Thanks to you” I smiled to him, even though I know that he can’t see me since his eyes were shut. I leaned closer and kissed his eye lashes

He smiled weakly and kissed my cheeks still with his eyes closed. He is so cute when he sleeps. He looks like an innocent child.

“I am still sleepy” he said and tried to stop himself from yawning but failed

“Get some sleep sleepy head” I teased and lay my head over his shoulder

He chuckled softly and in a matter of seconds, he was out already. Wow, he really was sleepy. I wonder what time he fell asleep last night. He seemed like he wasn’t planning on getting some sleep. I eventually felt drowsy again and feel asleep.

I heard some footsteps and some ruffling of paper me. Am I dreaming? I put my hand on the right side of the bed, expecting Will to still be lying down there but all I touched was the sheets of the bed. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Will standing by the bed, holding something on his hands. I can’t quite figure out what it was so I opened my eyes more.

I almost jumped off the bed when I saw that it was my sketch book. It was the one I brought with me when I went on tour with the guys last year. It was the one I was so shy to show Will. Why was he holding it? And... It was open.


“William Beckett! How dare you touch my stuff?” I yelled angrily walking to him over the bed

“Whoa there” he jumped, almost dropping my previous sketch book

“Give it” I demanded, opening my hands to him

“I never thought you drew this good” he said still looking at the sketch book and ignoring what I just said.

“William Eugene Beckett, hand it over or else” I threatened

“What? Okay, try to get it then” he mocked, raising his long arms and making the sketch book impossible for me to grab, seeing how short I am.

“Will!” I yelled. Jumping over the bed

“Whoa. Calm down. I just wanna see the drawings. You’ve nothing to be ashamed of anyway.” he chuckled

I stopped jumping and glared at him

“Don’t do that, it’s scary” he said innocently

“That’s my stuff, you aren’t supposed to touch it” I said blankly, still staring at him

‘It was just lying around. I was curious” he explained

“AGH! I cannot believe this!” I said with annoyance

“Oh, come on. Won’t you let me see the drawings? I mean, I think I have a right because I was used as a model in a handful of your drawings here” he said

I blushed as I heard this. He must have seen my sketches of him in there. Why did I have to be obsessed in sketching his face?

“Fine. Do whatever you want” I mumbled, sitting back on the bed and giving up in snatching the sketch pad back.

He looked at me and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Are you mad? Don’t be mad” he muttered beside me

I didn’t respond. I continued staring into space.

“Talk to me Cass” he continued

I rolled my eyes and still didn’t talk.

“Alright, if you want it back, here, you can have it. I haven’t really looked at every drawing yet. Sorry for intruding” he apologized, handing me the sketch book

He put the sketch book on my hands and stood up. I sighed and grabbed his hand pulling him back down beside me.

“It’s okay. You were just curious. I guess I just overreacted” I said

“I am sorry if I intruded. I was really just curious. I also wanted to see your drawings. You have never shown any of them to me that’s why when I saw your sketch book lying around, I had the urge to take a peek”

I smiled

“You really want to see?”

“Yup.” He smirked

“Fine then. I’ll show it to you. I was actually planning on showing it to you soon enough but I always forget.’ I laughed as I open the sketch book

“From the drawings I have seen, you are a good artist” he whispered to me while I turn every pages

“I cannot believe you were drawing me while I was sleeping” he chuckled as we pass through one drawing that I drew in the lounge area. He was sleeping and I was bored so I ended up drawing him. I laughed and blushed at the same time.

It is nice that I am able to show him these drawings already. I started drawing him when I first met him in the bus. And, every time I wake up in the middle if the night, I always think of him that’s why I end up drawing him. That was the time wherein I fell in love with him. I told myself that I was going to show it to him in the future but I was too shy to do that. Maybe it was good that he was curious. That pushed me to really show him these sketches already.
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OHH, yeah, I just posted my Mayday parade one shot! Check it out and PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT!

She'll Be a Secret You Can Keep
