Why Would We Change a Thing?

Pinky Promise

“That Nicole is such a bitch, I swear” Steph told me while she fixed her hair.

It has almost been a week or two ever since the incident with the Nicole girl but Steph is still hot tempered about her.

“Steph, come on, just forget about her. It’s not like we’ll see her again so you can get your revenge” I laugh while I paint my nails bright orange

“I can’t believe you are coloring your nails orange” she muttered eyeing my nails

“So what? I like it” I smiled, showing off my nails

“Whatever” she giggled as she sat beside me on the bed “I’ll help you with your other hand” she got my left hand while I waited for my right hand to dry

“I like painting nails with my best friend” she said while she continued painting my nails

“We haven’t done this for so long.” I smiled

“Yup. We should always do this”

“Anyway, how’re you and Michael?” I asked

“Hm, fine. He is really a sweet guy” she answered

“He really is”

“How about you and Will? Have you done it already?” she asked bluntly

I laughed hearing how that just came out of the blue.

“What? You guys have been together for almost a year and he said I love you to you already right?”

“Yeah, but… we haven’t really gotten ourselves into that situation” I said honestly. “We talk a lot. I mean, just… talk’

“Wow, you talk. Just talk. You guys are boring”

“Hey! It’s also fun to just talk and get to know each other more.”

“Don’t you know each other enough already?”

‘There are a lot of things to know about a person Steph”

“So, you’re trying to tell me that you wanna know Will totally first before you have sex with him? You’re such a kill joy!” she mocked

“I am just want to get to know the person personally not sexually” I pointed out

“Well, you gotta tell me when you two do it already. Friends are supposed to be the first to know’ she smirked

“This is so high school Steph”

“Still! Come on!” she said, trying to make me pinky promise with her

“Fine” I said, sticking out my pinky and making the promise

I immediately stood up when my phone rang

“Ugh, don’t tell me it’s Will again. He has called you at least thrice today” Steph sighed while I grab my phone and answered it

“Hello?’ I hear Will’s voice

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked

“I didn’t see you today. It feels weird” he said

“Yeahp, it sure is. But you know, we can’t see each other everyday” I smiled

“So, since we didn’t see each other today, how about a date tomorrow?” he offered


“Yup. A real one now. You know, watching a movie together and eating popcorn” he laughed

“Sure. Alright. A movie’s nice” I say

“It’s a date then? Tomorrow at seven?”


“You… William Beckett! Quit calling Cass. How many times have you called today?!” Steph screamed

I heard Will laugh obviously hearing Steph

“I guess I just can’t stop myself” he chuckled

“Don’t mind her. She is just jealous cos Michael hasn’t called for a single time today” I tease her and made a face

“We don’t have to hear each other’s voices every day unlike the two of you love birds”

She stuck her tongue out and made a face too

“Alright, I gotta go before you guys start a fight there. I don’t wanna be in hearing distance to that” Will said

“Okay then. Bye!” with that, we both hung up

I still had a smile on my face while I put my phone back on my table

“You are still blushing and smiling to yourself” Steph told me “You are so in love’ she sighed

“I am… I guess I really am”

“Will can be sweet at times. I wouldn’t be surprised. He even asked you on a date! Wow, you just didn’t see each other today and he is like, demanding for a date already” she smiled

I nodded, still in a trance. I don’t know why but even though me and Will have been together for so long already, I never get tired of him. they say that most couples don’t last because they get tired of each other after a few weeks but me and Will have been together for almost a year now and we are still very fund of each other. I am happy about that fact. At least we still have the heat and longing between us.

I hope this feeling would not fade away. I really hope.

“You’re preparing for your date tonight?” Steph asked me as I fixed myself up

“Yup.” I smiled to her

“You know, it looks like the two of you would never have a problem.” she said while she curled up on the bed

“I hope we wouldn’t have any problem. I am contented with this already” I say finishing up with my hair

“Will… well, he is a sweet guy and that’s why a lot of girls like him. He has a soft spot for people. You may have a lot of rivalries” she said

“What do you mean?”

“Other people can find him really attracting and William being a sweet guy adds up to that attraction. I am sure a handful of fans just don’t want him for his looks. He is a really overly sweet and caring guy.”

“Whoa, are you scaring me?” I laugh

“Hmm, nope. Just warning you.” She smiled

“Thanks for the warning” I smirked and grabbed my bag. “He texted and he’s outside already. I gotta go” I waved at her

“Bye! Have fun!” she shouted while I shut the door close

I hurriedly went out the apartment and found Will waiting by his cat. I smiled to him as I approach him.

“Hey there” he grinned at me opening my door

“Thanks” I tell him while I take my seat in the car.

He shut he door and went to the other side of the car.

“So, to the cinema?” he asked me once he went in the car and started driving

“That’s the plan right?”


He drove us to the theater and we both picked the movie we wanted to watch. We both go in the movie house and settled on our seats.

“This is good. It’s a normal date” he chuckled right after we took our seats

“Yes it is. Haven’t been in a normal date for a while huh?” I giggled

“Yup. Tour always gets in the way” he answered

“Looks like no one noticed you” I say

“Yeah. That is actually good. No one has asked for a picture or an autograph yet” he confirmed

“Popcorn?” I offered him

“Thanks’ he said reaching put to get some

After a few minutes we both got so interested with the movie. We both silently watched while eating the popcorn. I smiled to myself when I felt his hand reach out to touch mine in the middle of the movie. He is still using old moves in dating. He is so adorable. He smiled to me when he finally was holding hands with me. I smiled back and put my head over his shoulders. This is one date that I always wanted to experience with Will. I never thought we could actually do this with him being famous and everything. I was startled when I felt something vibrating in his pocket. I looked up to him and he frowned realizing that someone was calling him. He reached out to get his phone.

He gave me an apologetic face

“Go on, answer it” I tell him

“Sorry, it won’t be long” he whispered then kissed my head before standing up to go outside the movie house

I sighed and continued watching the movie. After a few minutes, I felt his hands tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw him hurriedly sit beside me.

“Is everything alright? Who called?” I ask facing him

“It was… It was Nicole. She sounded really sad and depressed in the phone. I have a feeling she might do something she would regret. I am sorry, but could I…” he trailed off

“Why did she call?” I ask

“I don’t know exactly. She was sobbing so I can’t clearly understand what she was saying. Cass, I am the only close friend she has here in Chicago and I think she may need me now” he said softly

“Right, of course. If you wanna help her, you can” I smiled

“Are you sure? I am so sorry Cass” he apologized

“It’s okay. She’s you’re friend too” I say

“Do you want me to bring you home?’ he asked

“No, I can go home myself. I’ll just finish the movie”

“Okay. I’ll just be at her place. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive there.” He said

I nodded.

“Bye” he said silently then he was gone

I sigh when I realized that he was really gone. I wonder why Nicole was crying for. I mean, I bet before they became romantically related, William and Nicole were friends. Will of course still is her close friend. Maybe she needed him right now. I’ll just ask Will the reason why she was sad that she went to the extent of calling him. I mean, Will is still her ex.

Didn’t she feel awkward calling him like this?
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