Why Would We Change a Thing?


My smile faded a bit when I saw Nicole standing behind the door. She looked up and I could have sworn her smile faded as well after seeing me.

“Oh. It’s you” she mumbled

“Yup. It’s me” I said softly

“Why are you here?” she asked “This is Will’s apartment” she said as if I didn’t have a right to be here

“I am visiting him and what’s wrong with that? I am his girlfriend” I said “And… what are you doing here?” I asked her.

I swear, this person is just pure evil. I have been trying to b nice to her but all she does is bitch around me. I can’t help but protect myself. I am not letting her humiliate me again.

“Well, I am visiting him considering that he has been spending a lot of time with me this past few days” she tried to make me feel bad about Will being with her a lot. What? Did she think that I didn’t know about it? Oh well. Too bad for her because I know all about it.

“Yeah so I heard. I am so sorry about your family problems. I specifically told William to be with you because he said that it looked like you needed help” I shot at her

She looked surprised that I knew about it. Hah. Well, take that.

I was startled when I felt someone coil their arms around my waist

“Who is- oh, hey Nicole” I hear Will say over my shoulder

Nicole obviously eyed Will’s hands around my waist and his face being too near mine.

“Oh, uhm, I think she is visiting you to thank you for this past week you spent with her” I answer

“Oh, thanks. Come in” Will said making way for her

‘Oh, uh… okay” Nicole said hesitantly as she stepped in the apartment.

We three awkwardly sat on the kitchen chairs.

“So…” Will trailed off

“Will, thanks for being with me whenever I need you. I appreciate it’ Nicole started.

“Yeah, that’s okay. We are still friends despite everything” Will smiled to her and she smiled back.

I feel like the third wheel here. This is so awkward. Maybe I am not really supposed to be here. I allow Will to stay with her for her own sanity but I wouldn’t want to be present whenever she outwardly flirts with my boyfriend. Why did I ever agree to this?! Maybe I should just go.

“Uhm, I better go now. I still have stuff to do back at my apartment” I announce and looked at Will

He looked at me with a question on his face.

“Cant you stay longer? You just arrived” he said

“Actually… I have been here for about two hours already” I say looking at my watch

“Really? I didn’t notice”

“Yup, I have been.” I laughed

Of course he wouldn’t notice the time. Boys usually forget everything, including their name, when they make out.

“I have to go now” I stood up and grabbed my bag

“Oh. Can I walk you out?” he whispered to me as I walk out the door

“You have a guest” I said softly

“She can wait” he said and held my hand to lead me out “I’ll just walk Cass out. Help yourself with anything you want” Will told Nicole before leading me out the kitchen

We both silently walk to the front door hand in hand. We stopped when he opened the door already. I looked at him and smiled

“I’ll see you when I see you” I said

“I’ll see you. I’ll find a way alright? I am sure she’ll be better now. Maybe I can reduce my time with her’ he said looking at my eyes and kissing my hand

“Yeah sure.” I said softly

“How about let’s have dinner tonight?” he suddenly said

“Really? Aren’t you gonna be busy?” I ask

“Nope. I am never busy when it comes to you. Besides, we haven’t eaten together for the longest time” he pouted

“Alright. What time?”

“Eight. I’ll pick you up by the park where we walked before ok?”

“Okay. I’ll be there” I smiled to him and let go of his hand

“I’ll see you” he waved at me as I walk out the apartment

I happily walk out the building. Well, at least I get to have dinner with Will tonight. Nicole should be okay starting this week. I have done too many good deeds these past few days already and I guess I just need something for myself this time.

“Cass! Why did you leave them? Hello. That will make her think that you are giving up and letting her get Will!” Steph exclaimed after I told her the thing that happened

“I am not letting her take Will, Steph. I just felt uncomfortable sitting there. Anyway, I am still trying to help her with her problem through Will. I am sure she would be fine starting this week and then Will and I can go back to normal again.”

“What if she is never gonna be ok?”

“She will be, I am sure. It’s just depression. Once she feels that people are there for her, she’ll be okay. It’s not like she is mental or something” I mumble

“What If she is mental?”

“Steph! Stop it! Anyway, I have a date with him tonight. That makes up for everything.”

“Yeah. Well, I still haven’t forgotten the night when he left in the middle of your date because of that Nicole. I haven’t forgiven him for that yet” she said

I just stayed silent. Honestly, I still feel bad about that night. I thought that night would be perfect for the two of us. I know that Will somehow still has a little spot in his heart for her because they have been friends for so long before they had a relationship. I am sure a part of Will still worries about her as a friend and I don’t wanna give him a hard time by acting up and making him choose between the two of us.

All of these will be over soon enough. I just hope a repeat of that night would never happen again because it made me really sad and alone. I mean, looking at it bluntly, my boyfriend basically ditched me to comfort his ex. Whether they were good friends before or not, it doesn’t change the fact that they had a relationship before. Even if Will says that he doesn’t feel anything for her anymore, I can’t help but worry that he still has. Maybe not as much as before but I am sure there is still a tiny part of him that likes her.

He was really heartbroken when they broke up. He wrote a song about it for god’s sake. I can’t blame him if he still feels something for her. I had a hard time choosing between him and Mark when Mark suddenly showed up. That idea just scared me. What if this whole comforting Nicole thing makes him realize that he still has feelings for her?

Please, I hope not.
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Since I have neglected mibba for quite a long time, I decided to update two stories! YAY :))


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