Why Would We Change a Thing?

Best Friend’s Intuition

I slowly prepared for our dinner tonight. I even chose a really nice dress to wear. This night should be perfect for the two of us. We haven’t had time together these past days and now this is our chance to spend more time together.

“Preparing for the date?” Steph asked me as I dig my closet for something to wear for my feet

“Hm, yup” I answered

“You know, I just hope this whole comforting Nicole things ends soon so you and Will can have more time together.” She said softly

“I know Steph. How many times have you said that already?” I laughed as I held a pair of silver shoes

“I just don’t feel good about the situation you and Will are on. I feel uncomfortable with it like something might go extremely wrong” she muttered

“Don’t worry best friend. Everything’s good. This Nicole issue will end soon because like it or not, she can’t be depressed her whole life right?” I smile to her and turned to change in the bathroom

“I hope so” she said before I shut the door

I finally finished dressing up and to be honest, I am quite excited about this date. It’s been long ever since our last real date which was the day we went to the carnival. I quickly went out the room and found Steph watching TV.

“How do I look?” I ask her and made a little twirl

“You look hot. I am sure Will wouldn’t be able to take his hands off you” she giggled

“Really? I had a hard time picking this dress” I said fixing the hem of the dress

“You look fine already. What time’s your date anyway?”


“It’s just seven honey” she said pointing to the clock

“That’s alright. I’ll be walking to the park and that might take over twenty minutes. I can wait the rest of the time” I said happily

“Whoa you are evidently excited” she said

“Yes I am” I sang as I opened the door out the apartment

“Have fun!” she yelled as I close the door shut

I strolled blissfully to the park. I really am excited for this date. I guess I missed William a lot. I missed having a date with him. This is weird considering he is my boyfriend and he is supposed to be spending a lot of time with me. I smiled as I spotted a bench in the park. I can sit there while I wait for him to arrive. I happily sat on the bench and hummed to myself. I wonder where we’ll eat tonight or what we’ll do.

I patiently sat there and waited for him. I waited for a good thirty minutes since I arrived seven thirty. I prepared myself to wait for a while more since he might just be walking from his apartment to the park. I waited and waited until I realized that I had been sitting on the same bench for two hours already. Where can he be? I started to worry a bit. William is never late and if he was a couple of minutes late, he would surely be calling me or texting me. so far, I didn’t receive any call or text. What could have happened? I fidgeted on the bench and anxiously waited.

I can’t just leave like that. He might come here and find nothing. I have to be here if ever he comes. I felt small droplets of water come down my head. Oh no, it can’t rain now. I have to be waiting in the park and I don’t have any umbrella with me. I decided to continue sitting there as it started to drizzle a bit. Where can he be? I felt my eyes blur little by little as the sad truth came to me. Maybe he forgot about the date. I can’t believe he would actually forget a date he initiated himself. What else can be the reason for this?

A few people passed by with umbrellas and offered me to walk with them but I just shook my now soaked head and continued sitting on the bench.

“Ms. Are you alright? Don’t you want to go somewhere sheltered?” an unknown guy asked me

“No I am okay here” I said softly for the nth time tonight

He nodded and continued to walk just like the others who asked me the same essential question: “Are you okay?”

I bit my lips and tried to stop myself from crying but I sadly failed. I was crying so hard. I feel so alone. I jumped a bit as I felt my phone vibrate in my bag. I quickly answered it.

“Hello?” I said trying to compose myself

“Cass? I am sorry. I can’t come tonight. Nicole is… she needs me. I am sorry” I hear Will’s voice in the other end

“Oh. Why? What’s wrong with her?” I asked trying to hide my cracking voice

“I don’t know. She just called me up to stay for tonight. Sorry I wasn’t able to call soon enough. I am sure you went home already. I really am sorry” he explained

“It’s…” I trailed off trying to make myself say it but I can’t.

I can’t tell him it’s all good because it’s not. How come he didn’t even bother to call me? Wasn’t I important enough to deserve a call as soon as he found out he can’t come? Why did he have to make me wait for almost three hours? I was worried sick about him and all he has to tell me is I am sorry with a not so apologetic voice. What is wrong with him? I wanted to say all of this to him but I just didn’t have the strength anymore.

“I have to go” was what I managed to say

“Oh okay” I heard Will say not to me but I think to Nicole “Sorry, I have to go. Nick’s calling me” he said not hearing what I just said.

He hung up not even waiting for my reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh. I smell trouble coming Cass' way. :(( I hate it that I have to write sad stuff.



TUMBLR: callmepat