Why Would We Change a Thing?

Alone In The Streets

I sat on the bench for what seemed to be forever still with the phone against my ears. I was somehow hoping that he would call again and explain his behavior or tell me that it was all a joke. But he didn’t call back. I waited and waited again but all I got was disappointment. This made me cry even more. He didn’t even bother asking me if I was okay or if I waited long. He assumed that I already left.

How could I fucking leave when he didn’t even call me to say he couldn’t come? I was worried about him and he seemed so ignorant about me. I don’t know what’s happening anymore.

I just sat on the bench and cried by myself. I didn’t even bother about the fact that it was raining. I didn’t care anymore.

The rain and my bitter tears mixed and fell straight to my wet body. The dress I carefully chose is now ruined and my hair I had done for hours is now soaked in the rain. I expected this night to be good for both of us but I think this night just ruined us. After a few more minutes, I decided to go home and dry myself up. There is no use in sitting on that bench when there is no one to wait for. I slowly stood up and walked away the now gloomy and dark park. I continued crying to myself as I walk to our apartment. I couldn’t stop myself. The feeling of disappointment and betrayal just doesn’t do me well.

As I walk along a dark alley, I see people staring at me maybe wondering why I was soaked wet. I didn’t care what they thought about me anymore, I just don’t care. I hear some guys whistle when I passed. I just looked down, ignoring all of them. I have to go home before I faint here.

“Hey, pretty lady, why are you so wet?” a guys asked then a chorus of laughs followed.

I continued to walk, not minding them. I am too disappointed and sad to even mind anyone now.

“Hey, you why are you being a bitch?” I froze when I felt someone’s hand grasp my arm then turned me around to face him

I was still looking down, not wanting to see whoever he was. His grip was too tight that I can’t manage to free myself. I also didn’t have energy anymore. The guy forcefully held my chin up for me to face him

“Look at me when I am talking to you”

“Let go of me” I said sternly

“Ohhhh.” The guys behind him said

“Oh, so you’re tough now huh?” the guy said darkly

I look up at him and threw him a glare

“Let my damn arm go”

“Oh, sorry missy but you are just too hot to let go” he said playfully then suddenly grabbing my waist near his crotch

“Let go!” I yelled smacking his chest but of course that didn’t help

“Oh, come on lady, I know you wanna get laid” the guy said stroking my hair

“Yeah, we can all fuck you” the others added

“You fucking lunatics” I say to all of them

“Fierce. I like her” the guy holding my arm said

“Let go of me” I commanded

“I’ll take her” the guy said then dragged me out the alley

“Let go of me you asshole!” I yell

It’s so late that no one can hear me anymore. Everyone’s inside their homes already. I finally realize what’s happening and I start to panic. My sad tears were replaced by terrified ones. I can’t help myself. I am too weak. Sitting under the rain with an empty stomach didn’t help. I don’t have energy to break away.

“You shut up bitch” the guys said pushing me against a wall

I looked around and there were no people. What? Is this it? Is this the end of me? Is he gonna rape me then leave me here in the cold to die? I wanted to call on Will’s name but I know he can’t help. He has too much Nicole business to take care of. All I could do was cry and tell him to let go of me.

I started to cry even harder when he started touching my legs lifting my dress up.

“Stop! Stop it!” I begged

“Oh, come on, I know you want it.” He laughed evilly

It’s my entire fault. Why did I even walk by myself? I should have called Steph to accompany me. I want to scream for help but then the pain of William not caring about me as much as he cared about Nicole just left me helpless and abandoned.

The guy was about to rip my dress off when another arm stopped him from doing so.

“Let go of her you maniac” the voice was calm but very cold

“How da-“ the guy holding me down was supposed to say but the unknown man already threw a punch at him and that made him let go of me because of the pain

“You fucke-“he was punched again before he can even continue

I sat there, watching them both wrestle. I didn’t have energy to scream for help or even run. I was too petrified and weak. I just started crying and crying. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t believe I got almost raped by this man who is now being punched to death by this other guy. Who is he?

“Fine, man, stop it, geez. You can have her.” The guy said finally giving up and running away

“Yeah, and don’t ever try touching any girl ever again you idiot!” the guy yelled after him

I looked up at him to see if I knew him. He sounded familiar when he yelled. I can only see his shadow. I see him go nearer to me. I covered myself with my arms and tried to protect myself again. Maybe he had the same motive as that other guy he drove away.

“Cass, come on, don’t you remember me? I am not gonna hurt you” the guy laughed

The laugh was way too familiar. I knew this guy. I knew him too well not to forget that laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
aww. poor Cass. Now, I am starting to hate what I made Will do. GUESS WHO Cass' savior was! It is kinda obvious actually.

I know that this is a TAI story but I just wanted to share this video with all of you. I LOVE DISCO CURTIS and they just released a music video for ASHLEY. Maybe you'll love them too. haha :p Check 'em out. TANNER IS MIIINE!! NO ONE DARE TAKE HIM AWAY FROM MEEEE! HAHAH

AND, ohh. don't forget to comment!