Why Would We Change a Thing?

Knight In Shining Armor

“Matthew?” I ask making sure of my guess

“Welcome back to earth Cass” he laughed again going nearer me

“Oh my god!” I cried and hugged him straight away

“Whoa there. I am glad to see you as well”

“Oh my god. Matt. I am so scared” I said finally letting out more tears

“It’s all good now. I am here.” He comforted “He’s not gonna go back for sure” he added

“Thank God you were there. If not…” I trailed off

“Don’t think about that anymore. It’s never gonna happen” he soothed me

I let go of him and smiled up at him

“Thank you Matt”

“You’re welcome. Why were you even walking alone in this time of the night?” he asked bringing me out the dark alley

“Uhm, it’s a long story” I mumbled not wanting to remember Will.

“Oh.” He said knowing that I didn’t want to talk about it. Matt knows me too well to keep quiet when he knows he needs to.

“How about you? Why were you walking this late?” I ask

He smiled to himself hearing my question.

“Well, I was just thinking about stuff. And you know that walking-‘

“Helps you think better” I finished for him.

“Yes. It does.” He nodded “I can’t believe that you still remember that about me”

‘Of course I do. I don’t forget stuff like that” I smiled.

I feel all better now. It’s like Matt brought to me a different kind of vibe. A good one. He made me feel safe and wanted.

“So, you want me to walk you home?” he offered

“Oh, uhm, well, I would want that but I think I can take it from here” I say

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. It’s not too dark around this area anymore”

“Okay then, I’ll be going my own way” he said waving at me

I finally arrive at the apartment. I hesitated about opening the door knob scared of Steph’s reaction when she see’s me like this. I can’t even believe I allowed myself to get wet like this. I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. I was too caught up with waiting for Will that I forgot about my personal well being. I sighed and decided to open the door hoping that Steph was asleep already. I opened it and saw her in the kitchen, about to drink something when she saw me. She dropped the cup and stared at me.

“What the hell happened to you?” she asked frantically and approached me

I stood there and found myself starting to weep again. I wanted to scream and cry to her. I waned to tell her everything that happened but I didn’t have strength anymore. I just wanted to sleep and think that it was all a dream.

“Oh my God. What happened? Are you okay? You’re gonna get sick. Why did you soak yourself? Where’s William?” she shot me all these questions as I frailly sat on the kitchen chair

Steph stepped out the kitchen and came back with a towel. She wrapped me with it and tried to dry my hair. All I did was cry. I couldn’t even talk to answer her questions.

“My God Cassie. Tell me what happened. Why are you so distraught?” Steph asked me anxiously

I shook my head and braced myself to talk.

“He…” I trailed off

“He what?” Steph asked

“He didn’t come so I waited and waited until he called me three hours later telling me that he couldn’t come. Steph, he called me three hours late because he was with Nicole. He sounded so unsympathetic about me like he didn’t care if I waited for him or not. He didn’t even ask me if I was okay. He hung up on me for crying out loud just because Nicole was calling him.” I found myself cry out loud leaving out the whole raping incident. I know that if I said that, Steph would run straight to wherever Will is now and shout at him to death. I didn’t want that. I don’t want any action anymore. I just want this horrible night to end.

“Oh my God” was all Steph said

“He… sounded like he didn’t care about me. He doesn’t care about me as much as he cares about Nicole Steph. He doesn’t care about me anymore” I repeated again and again

“Oh no, Cass of course not. Will loves you. Maybe he was preoccupied with Nicole, that’s why” Steph tried to comfort me

I knew deep inside that Steph must be fuming mad at Will but all she did was defend Will for me just so I wouldn’t feel worst. I know it when Steph is just trying to make me feel better. She doesn’t want me to feel bad about myself so all she did was give reasons for Will’s behavior.

“I am sure he was just… I dunno too worried about Nicole. I mean she is depressed right?” she soothed me

“Yeah but that’s not a reason for him to forget about a date he initiated himself. That’s not a good reason. He left me for her so many times already and I am through with it” I cried

“Oh no don’t say that Cass. You’re just too emotional now. Come, get some sleep. Change your clothes and get some sleep okay? I am sure everything will be better tomorrow” she said as she escorted me to my room.

I followed her lead and in no time, I found myself crying to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you guess right?? EXPECT to see more of Matt. I am planning to give him more exposure. ;) Don't gang up on the poor guy, will you? haha


