Why Would We Change a Thing?

The Last Sound of Goodbye

I slowly open my eyes the next morning. I immediately see Steph sleeping on the couch across my bed. I definitely feel better now so I took the initiative to stand up to get some water. I got out of bed without getting dizzy then walked to the table where the water is. I poured some water in a glass and drank.

“You’re awake?” I hear Steph ask softly from the couch

“Yeah. I feel a lot better now. I think the rest did me good” I smiled to her

“I am glad you’re better now. That just means we can get a hell out of here soon”

“Actually, I think I can manage to go out from this hospital today.’ I say proudly

“Are you sure?” she asked worried

“Yup. I think I got enough rest already. I feel so much better now” I smiled

“Okay. I’ll call the doctor and ask if it’s safe of you get out today” she said then went out the room

I sat on the bed and waited for Steph to come back.

“So, what did the doctor-“I ask as the door opened

I looked up but it wasn’t Steph. It was Will.

“William” I mutter seeing him

He flinched in the way I said his name. I was also surprised with how I said it. It wasn’t as sweet as before anymore. It was like I was terrified to see him. I guess I am not ready yet. I suddenly felt like the blood in my face was gone. I feel like I grew pale just seeing him.

“Cass.” He mumbled softly. “I… I just… I just came to visit. I didn’t think you were awake already” he whispered

I just nodded trying to avoid his eyes.

“Cass, can’t you look at me?” I hear him ask

“No, I can’t” I say blankly as I feel my eyes slowly water

“I understand if you can’t. Listen, I am—“

“Will, I don’t think this will work out anymore. I have tried and I have done everything I could to make it all better but look at where it brought me,” I suddenly said feeling a tear roll down my cheeks

“What- what do you mean?” he asked slowly

“I think we just have to take a break and think things out. Think of what each of us mean for each other. I don’t think we have realized that fully yet.”

“Are… are we…”

“Yes, we are” I said not wanting him to finish the sentence anymore. I can’t believe we are breaking up already. Just like that. It all went so fast.

“No, Cass, please, don’t do this. Give me a chance” he begged going near me

“Will, I have. I have given you a lot of chances already but you threw them away. You didn’t give importance to these chances.” I tell him

“Cass, I… we can’t just break up like that. I promise to be better. Please… don’t do this” he pleaded his voice cracking a bit.

I looked away from him. I can’t afford to look at him for I know that if I do, I may just give up and forgive him on the spot. I know that I can’t do that. I have to do this for my own sake. I am starting to feel like I love him more than I love myself and that can’t happen. I will have to learn to take care of myself first before I can love anyone else. It’s like I am forgetting about myself already and all I think about is him.

“No Will. I can’t. Just go.” I said more sternly now

“No, I’ll not go. I can’t let you go just like that Cass. You have got to give me a chance, just one more chance!” he exclaimed

“You have had your chances William and I ran out of it already! I can’t give you a chance anymore! I just cant okay?!’ I screamed to him

After screaming that, the door opened revealing Steph.

“What’s happening? Did I hear scream-?” she asked looking worried

“Just go William. I can’t give you any more chances. I have given a lot but you didn’t take them seriously. You’ve had your chance and you blew it” I find myself saying the same ole cliché words I always hear in movies. I never thought I’d say those words to anyone but here I am, telling it to the person I love the most.

Deep in my heart, I just want to forgive and hug him but I know that if I do that, he might always think that he can get away with what he did to me. I have to give him room to reflect about all the things he had done. If he didn’t realize how important I was to him, maybe he will realize now. Moreover, he may also realize how unimportant I am to him and recognize the fact that he might not really love me as he thought he did. This space will give us time to find ourselves and realize what we need to realize.

“Fine, if this is what you want, then you get it” he said then quickly stepped out the door

I started to cry as soon as he was out the room. I cannot believe he is gone now. He is gone from my life. The most important person in my life is now gone. I felt like calling him back the second he walked out but then I know that this can avoid anyone form hurting more. Either it is me or him. I also think that I can’t forgive him quickly. I need time to think about what happened and maybe give Will a chance to realize his true feelings for me or for any other girl.

I am giving him a chance and the freedom to choose what he wants without hurting anyone. He is free now to do whatever he wants and I am not there to hinder him from anything he wants to do anymore.

He is now free from me and our used to be perfect relationship.

Just like that…. It’s all over
♠ ♠ ♠
It's over :( I feel sad myself. Don't be mad! I can foresee angry and pissed comments coming.


